I've Lost 50 Pounds Since September 2013

Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by pickleweed, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. pickleweed

    pickleweed Members

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    I've lost 50 pounds since September 2013.

    My motivation to lose weight and get in shape were to cure my fatty liver disease, surf better, feal better(I have a spinal injury, herniated disk L4-L5) and I am a little ashamed to admit, to look better as well.

    I can literally count on my hands the number of waves I caught when I was 70 pounds overweight. However, since losing 50 pounds I often catch as many waves in one session as I caught in all those sessions in in all those two years.

    It was so cool to be rewarded with waves for losing weight, better than looking in a mirror or at a scale, and I have more pain free days from my liver than days when I'm in pain.

    One thing that's really contributed to my success so far is the stair stepper machine. There is no impact on my back on this machine and sometimes even, my back will feel better than it did before I got on it.

    Another thing that's contributed to my success so far is I quit eating cereal and milk instead I drink a weigh protein shake, with 30 calorie almond milk, a frozen banana and sometimes a tablespoon of peanut butter.

    On the days I don't workout I try to fast, but i can't sleep unless my stomach is full so I eat at night. I wish I didn't have to.

    I have about 20 more pounds to lose, and my goal is to lose this weight and be in the best shape I can get in by my 40th birthday in January. Hopefully, this well reduce the sting of turning 40-lol.
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  2. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Congratulations and well done! :)
  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I think a congratulations is in order!

    How did this come to be?
  4. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Congratulations and I don't think you should feel ashamed at all for wanting to look better.
  5. pickleweed

    pickleweed Members

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    A lot of people claim it's impossible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, but I've read articles about people who have done both using intermittant fasting,

    basically, eating normally on the days you workout, and fasting on the days you don't
  6. pickleweed

    pickleweed Members

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    Here's a recent pic. I've lost since then but stil have 20-30 pounds to go and have a little over 3 months to get there

  7. pickleweed

    pickleweed Members

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    I can almost get away with looking OK when I have a shirt on

  8. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I don't know much about fasting but I know that lean muscle burns fat, a higher metabolism helps that happen and eating sensibly throughout the day helps keep your metabolism up. I can't imagine how anyone can make the case that it's impossible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. The only way to get rid of fat is to have the muscle to burn it. I've posted this before but....go to almost any gym and look it the cardio room and then look in the weight room. The people who are in the best shape are usually in the weight room and not spending hour after hour on a treadmill. Also, your afterburn from doing cardio is only 2-3 hrs. Your afterburn from lifting is 18-24 hrs...maybe more. You're building muscle and burning fat. The reason I tossed cardio in there is because some people do so much cardio and get frustrated that they don't see much of a loss from it. Cardio is not building muscle for the most part and, if taken too far, can damage muscle and make it less likely for someone to lose weight. Not saying people shouldn't do cardio but 6 hours a week is of no more benefit to your heart than 1 hour a week.
  9. pickleweed

    pickleweed Members

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    yeah...I don't know what their reasoning was. It was on a workout site and about six people told me it was impossible to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time.

    I really should know more about working out than I do.

    All the people on that site seemed to be into, "bulking and cutting"

    To tell you the truth I'm much more motivated to lose fat than gain muscle.

    My two main sources of motivation are fixing my fatty liver #1 and surfing better #2.

    Looking better is maybe like 5% of my motivation, but I'll take any motivation I can get.

    I've been down to the single digits for about a week now though 208-to 209 pounds.

    I was hoping I should be about 200 pounds, but the amount of fat I still have, I'm thinking I should probably be 190-195.

    I did get barrelled on my surfboard a few weeks ago. It's been about 7-8 years since the last time I got barrelled. I thought those days were long behind me. So that was cool
  10. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude

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    Congrats...... We know you can do it!!!!
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