Today has been full of crazy stupid shit. A piece of smoke got stuck on my finger,while burning. Now I have a blister. I wasn't even fully awake.Then I get in my car,toodling down the road, my car starts to overheat,on my way to get some more smoke. I'm like SHIT.. I'll just have my friend fix it, If I can make it to his house. I make it to his house..10,000 cop cars are running up and down the roads. I didn't even get my smoke...Maybe it's a sign to take a break from it for awhile. It was just a poopy day. ah.. I don't know. I need to stop complaining. Somebody has it 10 times worse than I do out there. I had to vent. sorry. hehe. -Peace
i know exactly how you feel....i have lots of fucked up days...take an example....tonight i have to work from 11pm till 7am and i have classes at 9am to 2pm soooo no sleep...lots of ciggs and a bitchy attitude i hate to get that way!!! *sigh*
i had a terrible day a few years back thats always stuck with me (lol not that i don't have them all the time) i'd just come back from a discussion group where someone had had a go at me because of my views and shouted at me in front of the whole group. so i was walking back and sobbing and getting all over emotional (as i do) when i saw this middle aged woman with a bottle of wine fall over a few steps in front of me. so i went to help her up and she was like 'ive got a bit drunk and disorderly' but after i had helped her up she didn't want me to hang around and i was left thinking i wonder whats happened in your life thats been so awful youve got like this and i wonder why you don't want any help beyond the physical, e.g. a hand up. know what i mean? s