It's impossible to seperate politics from mass shootings

Discussion in 'Politics' started by unfocusedanakin, May 17, 2019.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    A common right wing complaint anytime a mass shooting happens is that it's inappropriate to discuss gun laws at that time. But being pro gun is also a politcal stance and the very reason this tragedy has occurred is the use of a gun. It seems odd to me that we do not see the elephant in the room. To say take it from from my cold dead hands or should we change laws come from the same place. This is basic cause and effect. We honor the recently dead by actuly discussing why they have died. Oddly with the example of the most recent shooting they actuly do support a political discussion right after sine some students in STEM walked out of the memorial for the dead since they felt it was overly Democratic. In this case it's brave young people taking a stand. Same actions from young people speaking for gun reform in Florida a few years ago made them stupid to these people.

    They like to say it's only "emotion" which is a dirty word to the right wing. Again the FEAR that if you don't have a gun you will die or the PASSION in gun laws are also emotions. Life is emotion and this emotion determines how we view and how we react to situations. Like murder is illegal since we feel the emotion that it is wrong to take human life. Theft is illegal since it's an emotion that we do not want to hurt others by stealing. If we stick to "logic" it's rather animalistic. Pure logic will say the stronger animal will win. So he will kill you if he can, he will steal if he can.

    When is the right time in their mind? A mass shooting happens on average every few weeks in America. Sometimes it's more often sometimes less I am saying an average mathematically if we add them all up in a year. We are often fresh off one and we are not then the argument will be "now is not the time since it has not even happened in a few weeks. This shows existing gun laws work". It's disingenuous. The goal for them is to simply accept the world as it is. It just makes me sad.

    My cousin was in Columbine. My sister's boyfriend was going to be in Aurora theater shooting had he not been sick. My high schools' rival has had a mass shooting. A school only a few miles from my childhood home. My best friend from childhood was attending school in the area where the latest one happened. The school has a new name now but there has always been a school in that area. This has to stop.:disrelieved:

    We need to overcome the selfish nature of the gun owners and put our foot down. I know enough about guns to know what gun owners really are like when it comes to this issue. They seem to rely on the idea they anti-gun people don't understand their motives and if we did we would accept it. If we don't want guns we want a 1984 situation they say. It's simply not true. It is their life above all else masquerading as the moral high ground. It's not that I think every gun owner is blood thirsty. I learned most of what I know about guns from someone who shot since he was 3. I just see them buying into a lie and fear. A Ar-15 is not helping you in the way you think it does.

    I would like Americans to not be afraid to discuss the realities of this issue rather than make extreme jumps to say that some sort of oppression or war that is unwinnable happens if we dare restrict guns. The military is not going to be stopped by even the most hardcore assault riffle that is "not an assault riffle" according to gun owners. The time when a private citizen was truly equal to an army was centuries ago. If gun owners lost the "right" to have modern weapons the Marines do 100 years ago (and they have) they have lost the war they plan to fight.

    There is no mental health compromise since the crux of gun owners desire is the abilty to have any gun any time with no knowledge to anyone else they have it. Things like a waiting period or background check (from the government you need to fight) are concessions they have had to make. If they had their druthers they would not exist.

    Like no matter how dangerous police or mental health workers find a person he has only had thoughts. So how can we restrict thought espeicly since cops are part of the government who wants to oppress you? We can not trust this. That is their logic and we must get past it.
    stormountainman likes this.
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I wouldn't give it a second thought, man. It's pretty clear to everyone what needs to happen. I think that it's probably important to remind people though. It's all too easy to become apathetic about this sort of thing; especially because it feels like there's not that much you can do about it.

    I'm for repairing the second amendment so that it serves Americans, not the NRA or gun lobby. I don't know how much guns are appropriate (for lack of a better word) at this point. I think maybe appropriate is the best word. I wonder - how well could we do without them? So that's where I want things to go. Not in a way that smears shit on anyone's nose, but I do want the guns to go away.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    There are no politics in mass shootings, because their are no politics left in America anymore. Just mindless idiots voting for whoever advertises the most and then complaining about the service.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    There is some of that. But I think there are still good people left in politics. With the current administration/cabinet it's just hard to see them. :)
    stormountainman likes this.
  5. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    No more war ? Politically , this would be addressed by the Constitution . For one thing , conscription
    by the military would be abolished . The warrior spirit needs complete respect . Mass shootings are
    very disrespectful . I think the shooters emulate the insanity they witness : they live the story of dis-
    honorable war .
    stormountainman likes this.
  6. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    There are no good people in politics, when there are no politics and the public insists the majority always gets what they want.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  7. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    not so not so... I think that the current theme in politics will serve as a point to progress from. It's basically bringing everything that's wrong to the surface. Perhaps we can find a way to fix it. Granted, not everything will be addressed... but come 2020, I think change will be in the air. :)
    stormountainman and Okiefreak like this.
  8. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm happy to say I know nothing about the last shooters. I only know the student who saved others by attacking them. He likes Jeeps and 100's of them came to his funeral to honor him. I think it helps to not discuss the shooters too much. It gives others the idea they too can have attention and glory.

    But, when we discuss the brave young men who save others it also sounds like the good guy with a gun stops bad guys argument the NRA uses. They use their deaths to say how much more he could do if he too had a gun. To push their own political views that you can and should have a gun anywhere in America in case someone else has a gun.

    They now tell students to charge a shooter and not to hide from him. There are a few examples of this happening now. In a way it's what both sides want. Someone fights the shooter yet only the shooter has a gun on school grounds.
    stormountainman likes this.
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Americans have been voting for whoever advertises the most in both local and national elections for over twenty years. I would suggest you avoid Vegas and gambling. Putting another kinder-gentler dictator in office like Obama is why the Neo-Nazis are dividing the country today. Either we have a functional political system, or Fox News decides the next election. The majority doing whatever the hell they want when they want and swinging from one polarity to another, while threatening to divide the country even further, is not a functional government or even remotely democratic.

    The current Neo-Nazis are a direct response from half the population to Obama being elected. If Oprah is elected next, WWIII could break out, again, because nobody is listening to anybody and there is no politics without somebody actually listening and making decisions. Compromise for our glorious leader is the courts agreeing with him on everything.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
  10. If half the US population went Neo-Nazi, don't you think things would be substantially different now? As well-read as you are, I wonder if you do any guest reading on St0rmfr0nt (I will not advertise for them). It was very interesting during the Obama years, particularly after he won. Democrats speculated openly about the "KKK" taking a shot at the chosen one.

    Nothing could be further from reality. As far as the "white nationalists" on that site and Pris0nPlanet were concerned, the US was getting what it deserved, so it was no skin off their nuts that the US had a black president. It was expected. David Duke said as much (though he denounces the KKK, cause they were mean to him as he got older).
  11. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The only way the republican party could possibly become more lily white was if they bleached the few token blacks they pay to spout their rhetoric, while all their party leaders are Fundamentalists and members of the KKK and Neo-Nazis. I know, I know, calling half the country Neo-Nazis just because they vote for Neo-Nazis and listen to Neo-Nazis and are hellbent on owning the entire mass media and telling everyone what the fuck is a Neo-Nazi, is just silly. My constitutional rights have been suspended indefinitely, no cop has needed a real warrant in over ten years, and the courts are now even compelling people to testify against themselves, because Neo-Nazis have different ideas about democracy.
  12. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The core views of Nazism are a pride and protection of your own people. To say WE made this since we are we. And we will shall protect what we made from others who do not have the strength and intelligence to do it for themselves. That is also the views of modern Republicans. Someone is going to take it from we and they speak Spanish.

    It does not have to be exactly Nazi but they do nothing to denounce Nazis so they continue to come.
  13. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I dunno about that. The media ignored the most recent mass shooting when the shooters were revealed to be LGBT and leftist
  14. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I didn't hear about that. What happened? Is that the one where the shooter has dyed hair? I don't think that one was ignored.
  15. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Yes that one

    soulcompromise likes this.
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Republicans helped to invent the Nazis, and have only regretted their inability to establish a Nazi state in the US, with the entire republican leadership being KKK and Neo-Nazis. Of all the people in the world, Nazis know the power of the Big Lie which is the name Hitler himself gave to their approach to propaganda. They know damned well the idiots voting for whoever feeds them will believe anything if it is repeated enough times while you feed them. The idea there is anybody home actually paying attention to what they are doing, belies the fact these people represent a huge minority population that has the worst social record in the entire developed world, while a study of the Nazis concluded they also demanded absolute obedience from even their children, beating them usually.

    Americans can deny the dark side of their society all they want, but history tells a different story.
  17. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think the media is trying though. It's not that they don't care. It shared similarities with the other school shootings. I think the hard thing about covering it is that a big part of the story, a female shooter, was off limits because she was a minor.

    Usually we don't get females doing anything remotely like this. Upon searching google, it looks like that fact may be changing before our very eyes. There are three now, at least...

    The YouTube one, the San Bernardino one, and now the Colorado school one. It's terrible. But anyway... my theory is/what they've said in sociology there is something about the way we socialize males that makes it somehow okay for them to do these things. It's not okay by any means, but somethings are telling them that it's acceptable to be violent. They are somehow justifying this behavior. The females in these cases, I suspect, are simply following suit and not intrinsically motivated to do these killings. It's hard to say, but the evidence (such as toys for boys like toy guns or muscular action figures etc., violent sports such as football and ultimate fighting/boxing being predominantly male; women don't have these forces acting upon them) points to males.
  18. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    You have heard the activist' chant , No Justice - No peace . Would you be a Warrior for Peace ? When the going
    gets tough , we forget the justice and keep the peace .
  19. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I think the right wing media helped to keep the MAGA hat dude llive for that long. My Catholic bible study group is still talking about it (the MSM obviously persecuted the kid over the abortion issue, you see.) The purple-haired shooter was so "been there, done that". Thanks to the gun lobby, these events are becoming routine. Probably a good thing the media didn't give more coverage. Some folks would rather be wanted for murder than not wanted at all. "Only" 2 days?
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
    stormountainman likes this.
  20. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Fillipo Maria o di B #Pariot,#Trump, # MAGa #FBTS (with a foreign flag before the U.S. one after his name) said it, you agree with it, so it must be true. The first part certainly is. The media kept the MAGA hat kid story alive for at least 30 days. But which media? "The Covington controversy might have come and gone as a parable about “fake news,” “media bias,” “outrage culture,” “tribalism,” “online bullying,” and all the other buzzwords that resonate in the MAGA moment. But now it lingers as a conservative cause célèbre. (Mercifully, the Covington controversy has cured the right’s week-long outrage about a Gillette commercial.) The White House is providing daily statements. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for the good—maybe even to bring people together.” They have indeed united the right. Sandmann, in particular, has stood his ground in the press as defiantly as he seemed to stand in Phillips’s face. Sandmann and his family have mounted a public relations campaign to absolve the teen and to further endear him to conservatives who have quickly come to regard him as a folk hero in the general struggle against liberal media biases. Sandmann’s martyrdom is an ironic if predictable twist: Right-wing media spent a year clowning and doubting school shooting survivors only to canonize some intrepid teenagers who survived wearing MAGA hats while visiting Trump’s Washington." How the Media Turned the MAGA Teens Into Martyrs

    Now for the Colorado shooter coverage. Only two days after the event, right wing spinsters went into action, commentig that


    Of course the party affiliation, gender and drug habits of the teenage shooter should have been front page headline news, being so obviously relevant to the event--not!. But as a matter of fact, the absence of news reporting is fake news. "One day after the shooting, Denver station KMGH-TV first reported one of the shooting suspects 'is a transgender male who was in the midst of transitioning from female to male.' Subsequently, publications that sent journalists to the suspects’ court appearances reported that McKinney was born female with the official name “Maya,” but prefers the use of male pronouns and goes by the name 'Alec'.” Right-wingwebsites such as Breitbart and the Daily Caller also reported that the older suspect, Erickson, was registered to vote as a Democrat. News reports also indicated at least one of the suspects may have used drugs, while the New York Post reported that “what appears to be” Erickson’s Facebook page included a 2014 post in which he allegedly wrote about hating “All these Christians who hate gays.” Was 'Media Silent' About 'Democrat Transgender' Shooting Suspect in Colo.? Did the shooting have anything to do with political affiliation? Not that anyone can tell. In fact Andrew Patrick, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), thinks that "focusing on alleged political leanings of the suspects, their gender identity, and their purported views about Christians appears to be a distraction from the issue at hand — that shooters with murderous intent were able to access firearms." Another victory notch in the art of Right Wing Spin-Doctoring!
    Last edited: May 20, 2019
    stormountainman likes this.

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