that blows.. its sleeting now and i am about to leave and i am too out of beer and was going to make that adventure out to get some after work..I would risk my life for beer..haha now thats a shame
somebody once told me about beer delivery..... I forget where they lived. beer is for wimps though I want a Bacardi Truck. 151 on 24 hour delivery? I'd never be sober.
I might risk my pesonal safety for good, dark beer, but would place my life at risk for no less than Cognac, or single malt Scotch Whiskey. Highs in the 70's here, and cloudy...
up in Canaduh, we have Dial-a-Beer and they'll grab you anything from a two-four to a bottle of Bacardi 151.. they hit the beer store and/or the LCBO (americans are funny with their liqour in grocery stores etc) and they usually charge you 10 bucks on top of the liqour cost. I've also heard of dial-a-bud, but am far to paranoid to try it. And in college I found a magnet in my dorm for pizza delivery where you called some dorm and a guy asked you where you wanted your pizza from, and then asked if you wanted 1 or 2 toppings of mushrooms. I said NO mushrooms, and had to repeat 3 times that yes I was sure. And then they said they were busy and hung up.. and never answered my calls again. true story.
That depends on which State you are in. You go out West, say, Wyoming or Colorado, you can buy liquor in grocery stores. In Ohio, you can buy watered down liquor (40 proof, or something like that) in grocery stores. In Georgia, you can't even think about liquor in a grocery store. I think you can buy liquor in drug stores in Florida. Then, there's the whole "dry county" thing. In Texas, Dallas County is dry, except for the City of Dallas, and Texas Stadium in Irving, but only, I think, when the Cowboys are playing....There's this county in Alabama where you can't buy cold beer in a convienience store, but you get a free bag of ice with every 6-pack. Yeah, we're nuts down here. Get used to it. (Hell, Big Piney Wyoming has a liquor store with an ice machine inside, and plastic cups, and a card table, and 4 chairs. It's in the same building as the bar. How does the bar make money???)
Order some pizza and a six pack of beer from a "family owned" place. I used to do that all the time. You get your beer plus some thing to eat to sober you up............ ~namaste~
in colorado they only sell watered-down beer in grocery stores, and no alcohol is sold in the state on sundays. fucking bullshit. in new mexico you can buy beer in grocery stores, gas station, wherever, any time. same with SoCal. it seems to me the more sensible way to go about it. everything else seems kinda churchy to me.
never got out of the single digits here today..........and about 6" snow ...AND I always have beer on hand, or in hand, whichever the case may be, so y'all git yer jeeps and come on over.............. ...and speaking of states, Oklahoma only has Coors, Bud, etc, in grocery or convenience stores, and it's only 3.2%. Any good beer is only at liquor stores, and they close at 9 pm.....FRIGGIN 9 PM!!! and yeah, Texas is pretty messed up with all the 'dry' areas.......
same thing goes for kansas.... just your domestics, usually, in grocery stores. we used to have no alcohol sold too on sundays, but that just recently changed this past year. liquor stores are open until 7 pm on sundays now.
yeah, i had never in my entire life heard of 3.2 beer until i moved to colorado, and had NO IDEA that there was no beer sold on sundays. totally blew my mind and fucked up my sunday.
thats the bible belt for ya. I didnt know that there were states that did sell alcohol on sundays. lol
i was bornin florida, raised in SoCal. i didn't know anything about blue laws....these are totally inconstitutional, i'm telling ya this as a christian!! if we allow the church to control the state, the state will control the church!!! hand my beer and bong. send over some hot naked chix.