I used to be a regular here. That was years ago. I earned a certain reputation which may lead to an immediate ban and the deletion of this thread. I'm cool with that. I was a goddamn dick when I posted here. I just felt like checking in. Those of you who are still around from that time may remember me. I posted as "cirrhosis" and, additionally, a lot of variations of that name. I was a shit and a troll and, for a while, I was good at it. Eventually my reputation caught up with me and rightfully so. I would only join up here to wreck shit. Because when you're a kid, that shit is fun. However, since the last time I registered, which was probably three years ago, I've started to wonder what happened to all the people at HF that, during a very vulnerable time in my life (my would-be high school years), were around and helped me through some tough times despite never knowing me outside of this place. I just hope they all landed okay. And I'm glad to see this place still exists. I first joined in September of 2002 based on the suggestion of my eventual wife. We were only 14 or so then and the idea of a subculture forum was pretty goddamned cool, especially considering the state of the Internet at that time. There weren't many forums as readily available for kids that didn't quite fit in as there are now. To find a place like this, at that time, was like stumbling upon a screaming beacon. Now, there are a million. And that's a good thing. There needs to be a place for lonely something-or-others like us to congregate and just be our own weird selves. I've been well, if you were wondering. I work in bars and drink too much and pay rent. I'm living any 25-year-old's dream. I still write. I still make art. And I'm not as angry as I used to be. I wouldn't say all is great, but it's better than it's ever been. At any rate, if anyone is still here who was here when I was, Hi! Hello! If no one is, well, consider this notes from a guy who hasn't been here in years and is pretty glad to see it still exists.
I Joined In 2007, And I Remember You, Your The Jerk That I Loaned $20.00 To And You Never Repaid Me...:toetap05: Cheers Glen.
Good to see you back, I remember we trolled a lot and had loads of fun. This place just became a little better now that you are back.
Also does everyone else get that "Facebook of Sex" ad in the upper left corner or do I just watch too much porn?
Hell I remember you from one of your variations. Dunno if you remember me because I don't know what my status here was when you were last here. Anyway, welcome the hell back and hopefully they'll allow you to stay.