Yes, the other rolling is very very old :-D But although I confuse certain members as well I never mixed up rollin and rolling. Too different sig and avatar pics I guess.
well the rimes are cute, but in the 80s i was already old enough to not need to notice nor care. and if it were by the stones, i'm sorry, but to me they were more of an annoyance i did not find amusing. so yes, it is certainly possible, even probable, to have been alive at the time and not noticed it. no offence intended to the living or dead, greatful or otherwise.
No one heard a single word you said. They should have seen it in your eyes What was going around your head.
In this place it seems like such a shame. Though it all looks different now, I know it's still the same Everywhere I look you're all I see. Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be.
that's odd. i see cats and dogs and trains and trees. too damd many cars and pavement and fast food franchises, i'll grant you that.