It's all about Learning

Discussion in 'Bi Sex Discussions' started by Kama'aina, Sep 8, 2024.

  1. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    Sex comes naturally.

    But the mind-bending, universe-altering, body-shaking, "Holy Shit!" sex does not. That requires learning and practice.

    But, hey, know that everyone can learn!

    I'm curious; where did you learn? Who showed you the ropes? And how much did you pick up the hard way, by trial and error?
    FredBrice and dd788snipe like this.
  2. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I learned about sex with girls from a girl who didn't have a birthday present for me so... she gave me her body and showed me how my ding-dong could go inside of her, how to move around so it would feel good to both of us. Really, who knew you could do that... and who knew that girls weren't all that yucky? A bit later, a guy showed me that sex with guys was freaking amazing and getting an unexpected mouthful of spunk would change my life forever. Who showed me the ropes? No one did - I went looking for all the "ropes" I could find and picked up much the hard way and by trial and error.

    I got tossed into the pool of sex to sink or swim and... I chose to learn how to swim and quickly, too. No mentors, no one to sit me down and talk about the stuff that isn't physical sex but can make it better... or one of the many mistakes one can and will make and then how to learn from those mistakes. All I was told was to never have sex before I was old enough and, welp, I was eight when I lost my cherry to that girl and nine when a guy paid me to put his dick in my mouth and, later, between my butt cheeks. I wanted to know why something everyone said was so bad could feel so good and... I went looking for the answers and had a lot of sex in the process, too. I figured that I learned 80% of what I know about having sex before I was 16 and by the time I was 16, I knew more about having sex than damned near all of my peers.

    Knew about it, had no qualms about doing it.
    FredBrice, dd788snipe and Kama'aina like this.
  3. upsuslc

    upsuslc Members

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    I was usually taught by my older partners, which I diligently tried to pass on to others. Some things started out difficult, some things I regretted, but if I hadn't tried it, I don't know how good it feels.

    I won't give details.
    KC69 and Kama'aina like this.

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