why was the third one for that matter? when that was first written, planes were still almost as rare as u.f.o.'s.
Well take a look at the crowd and see...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2l4bz1FT8U"]'50s Adventures of Superman - Intro - YouTube Hotwater
How did the guy who said that even know who Superman was? Also, a bird? Personally, I've never seen a bird that looked like a homosexual in blue and red spandex with a greaser hairdo. Just sayin..
Isn't it "Is it a bird, is it a plane? It's superman?" Never been a fan of Superman. So I don't know. Nor do I care =p
Thats so sexist, what only guys get excited about birds or plane. Ok, just planes then, no girls get excited about bird here
And when was the last time you saw a bird, and your reaction was to yell, "IT'S A BIRD!" At the very most, I would turn to the guy who yelled, "LOOK, UP IN THE SKY", and say, "dude, it's a fucking bird. Calm down."
clearly you don't live in a northern climate area. birds showing up in springtime is a big fucking deal.
Having been paid to clean up bird shit in the northern climate I live in, I agree. It is a big fucking deal. A big fucking deal that makes me want to buy a big fucking gun to kill shitty fucking birds with. I hate birds. There, I said it.