we who have our eye sight can look up into the sky at night and see millions of stars....we can see for miles.... It is incredibly amazing that the light from some those stars that is just reaching our eye sight, are no longer there.... Please say what you find to be awesome or amazing or any other word you want to use.
that Moxy does not have lyme's YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said the other dogs had lyme's vaccines, and just becasue they show postiive for lyme's, does not mean they have it, but to give them the doxy for 21 days anyway. It is also awesome that I am told cats do not get lyme's....and I hope that is a correct fact.
that it is possible to sit down and rest your feet, while going from one place to another, without having to own, maintain, or worry about, the vehicle your riding in. the most wonderful amazing thing in all of existence is public transportation. of course its pretty cool, just seeing something completely mechanical, move under its own power. its all the more so, when the path it travels on, doesn't have to take up, nor dominate, half the countryside.
right now I am pretty amazed by how great my beer is. in fact all beer is amazing. actually I would like to see the man who first brewed a beer....I would buy that mother fucker a beer for being so awesome.
i do love some good beer. i like to really taste it, and smell the aroma discerning some of the more subtler aspects.
funny enough, I am drinking a pretty kick ass beer at the moment. best value I ever got in a beer purchase. I think....no I am sure that the manager listed the wrong price for this goose island bourbon stout. less than $2. a bottle, when I went up to jersey i could only find one shop selling it and it was for $15. I wanted to sell a few cases but shit, i am just enjoying it too much. im trying to age some of it but i don't know how long i can keep the stuff sitting around in my bar.
themnax....those 3 things you metioned made me feel very happy. yes, they are awesome.....I love trains, too....and you know I love cats and trees.