Back in my early days of waking up for what was occurring around me; I used to be completely be against the idea that Jews were at the center of the Illuminati. I remember a particular member on this website always claiming that the Jews ran everything and are behind the New World Order. I was very quick to dismiss him because of my Christian background (shocker!) But as I start to connect the dots and look at how the media portraits the world here in the States. I started to realize maybe its true what this hipforums user is claiming. I came across Fritz Springmeier book " Bloodline of the Illuminati" and notice these elite families constantly are Jewish. Now with my love of world history, I notice that these Jews aren't really original Jews, but of a descend of a White lineage that claims supremacy over other Jewish heritage simply for being white and of European background. As I kept digging I noticed that the mass media is control by a very small group that is Jewish. Almost every war that we go to is completely anti-Islamic and pushes for a Zionist state of Israel in these past 20 years. Also what I notice being in this new paradigm is that how the WW2 holocaust is always amplified to be the most horrific event in history, yet we fail to look at Blacks in America and the 400 years of oppression they have endured by White Supremacy. And also we fail to look at the holocaust the Japanese did to the Chinese in WW2 which was more brutal and probably more factual than the Jewish Holocaust. I'm by no means anti-Jewish, but against all this media propaganda we are fed to believe. Also when you studying the Occult and Illuminati so much goes back to Jewish Mysticism. But maybe I'll getting ahead of myself. Anyways its nice to reach this state of mind where you're not in denial as I once was and accept the reality. Also I notice people like Alex Jones always talk about the elite, but never the Jewish elite bankers like the Rockefeller or Rothschild families that are destroying this earth for personal gains.
I would disagree that "Jews" are at the top of the pyramid. The Rothschilds were the first Vatican bankers brought in from the outside to deal with money. The Catholic Church forbade usury among its constituents, so this pretty much made Jews the bankers by default. I think Jews have been placed into positions of power so people will think they're the ones at the top, but it's just a clever cloak. Ashkenazi Jews are also of a higher IQ than the rest of the population, so it makes sense they have been chosen to control finance, the media, law, etc. Jews serve a task specific role, but they aren't at the top. What is Judaism anyway? It is a religion, not a race, though many Jews in positions of power do trace back to certain bloodlines -- bloodlines of ancient priesthoods who merely operated under the Jewish name. If you look at some popular Jewish names like Cohen, Coen, Cain, Kahn... they all mean priest. There is only one religion behind ALL the religions of the world at the top. All the major religions have their basis in Zoroastrianism, and this predates Christianity, Islam and Judaism by a long shot. All the religions contain the same basic elements and principles as they were all written by the same group of people going back an extremely long time.
You left out the faked moon landings, bigfoot, alien abduction, ESP, ancient astronauts, The Bermuda Triangle, and a bunch of other stuff that is complete bullshit.
Why post in the Conspiracy forum if you don't like what's being discussed? You're merely regurgitating the same ad hominem bullshit that everyone else does when unconventional topics are discussed which trigger them. You are like most of the public who immediately shuns everything that goes against conventional thought and wisdom without ever looking into what you're criticizing for yourself.
So Yeah... Pressed Rat. If you know exactly what's at the root of the Illuminati plans and who's behind those plans... Why are you still around? I mean, don't they kill everybody else that knows too much... Or maybe that's part of the plan too...
2 questions: Isn't Zionism code for spooky Jews, and isn't the Illuminati really just the Council on Foreign Relations? Bonus question: When David Icke talks about lizard people, does he really mean spooky Jews?
David Duke made a good case for the Zionist conspiracy but then again he is a genocidal racist who worships Adolf Hitler and was the former grand dragon of the KKK so he may be a bit biased on the subject Hotwater
Wait, is op the og JMT? Sup Dog?! So yeah. The Missing Links movie was quite compelling back on the day there. What's the new evident information movie/news/book/link to present?
PR. You can believe what you want. Some theories I agree with and some I don't. But a non believer speaking his feelings here is just as valuable as anyone's. If it was all people who agreed there would be one post then the rest would be people saying "yup" and "that's right".
I don't give a fuck about people disagreeing, but at least contribute something of substance instead of the usual juvenile bullshit. Otherwise don't fucking post at all.
I can't prove it, but I suspect that Israel is run by...JEWS!! Lighten up, I'm not trying to piss anyone off...but don't you think it's more likely that these conspiracy theories involving the Jews are more rooted in racism than anything else? And if so shouldn't we be concerned about that? Not one of the crackpot ideas about Jews taking over the world (or at least having a hand in it) has ever come to fruition. To the contrary, the Jews have been on the short end of the stick throughout history. I have several friends that are Jewish and feel like I'm obligated to speak up when I read crazy these conspiracy theories. Gullible people are inspired by this stuff, leading to even more hatred than we have today...and if hatred were the answer the world would be a paradise. Peace.
Judaism is a religion, not a race. So right off the bat you're showing ignorance in that respect. The majority of Jews today have no connection whatsoever to the Middle East, or what is known today as Israel. Their heritage is of European descent. They are descendants of the Khazars, who migrated to the Middle East from the region of the Caucuses Mountains of Europe in the 8th century and merely adopted Judaism. There is good reason for people to believe the Jews are in control since people who bare Jewish names are the at top of media, academia, law and finance. US foreign policy does more to protect Israel than it does the US. I think that people thinking the Jews are in control are not racist and they really believe that because at face value the evidence seems to point to that. There in no arguing that for such a small percentage of the overall population, Jews make up an inordinate percentage of people in positions of power. This is where the conspiracies about Jews stem from, and the fact that they tend to network among themselves. I have little to no sympathy for Jews who constantly cry foul over discrimination regarding their "race," yet condone Israel's ongoing murderous actions towards Palestinians, which is a Holocaust that gets little attention. It's funny that there is so much tolerance for the outward hatred of Muslims these days, but dare say anything remotely critical of Israel or "the Jews" and you're deemed an intolerant bigot Nazi sympathizer.
So the wars against Vietnam and North Korea were all anti-islamic and so also the war to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi invaders !
The death of 20 million Soviet citizens at the hands of the invading German forces in the second world war is also a greater holocaust than the jewish holocaust. And so is the death of 20 million chinese by Mao in the Cultural Revolution. My understanding is that the concentration camps in germany was widely studied, photographed, researched and documented and the camp survivors extensively interviewed. Most of the Jews were an educated and literary lot, and they were able to highlight the holcaust details to the whole world, and the liberals who were sympathetic to their lot greatly helped them in this regard. Generally the whole world were sympathetic to them and helped to publicize the issue. The same thing did not happen in Russia and China , to the same magnitude as it happened in the aftermath of the jewish holocaust. The Jews are an ancient civilization which put a premium on scholarship and generations of scholars have lead them to be a civilized and learned people backed by genetic potential. This is one of the reasons why the Jews have reached the top in most fields. Even in Germany , much of the Nobel prize winners ,scientists were the Jews , with Albert Einstein being one of them. And in the present world as well, Jews happen to grab most of the Nobel prizes disproportionate to their population. Similarly with their philosophers and musicians. This intellectual and cultural excellence which marked the Jews, along with scholarship and wealth, brought along with them deep envy and contempt by others. The fact that the Jews being a religious minority and a closed group also further alienated them from others. Biblical references to the imprisonment and assassination of Jesus by the Jewish rabbis, fueled religious prejudices which in combination with the above reasons, lead to the Jews being targetted by insecure hate groups. Jewish contribution to modern world civilization is unparalleled, and the present world would have been a more civilized and developed world to live in if it weren't for the jewish holocaust which wiped out six million Jews, who if they had lived with their descendants , would have enhanced world culture and civilization with their productive capacity which is unparalleled.
I am smart. I know Jews have lots of money; so I am going to be nice to them, and maybe they will let me have some of that money, so I could go to the casino in Reno and spend it like a not so smart American.
We have many Jewy Jew Jews in the family, especially on my bio-mother's side. Kinda odd I suppose, she's full blooded German, her and my father met in the service while he was stationed there. Anyway my point, we have money, we have just a touch of local power and I even have a Jew nose which, every time I see it in the mirror, inexplicable gets me to thinking of world domination. I don't know if it's the Jew or the German in me, but there may be something to this Zionism; it's in the blood.
Judaism is a religion, true, but "Jews" comprise a specific ethnic group and as such are subject to racial discrimination as are any other group identified as ethnically/racially unique. This goes to the difference between ancestry and heritage and I guess you also don't understand the distinction. All of your reply focus' on ancestry and not heritage, even though heritage is what binds most ethnic groups together far more than racial ancestry. so right off the bat you are demonstrating your ignorance in this respect. the rest of your post is the usual conspiratorial drivel we've come to expect form you..