Islamic Fighters Returning To Uk!

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by morrow, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Perhaps they might have sobered up and decided to pursue non-violent movements like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King to pursue their goals.

    Or maybe they might be grossed out seeing all the brutal violence and are fed up of puking all the time and given up on isis ideologies.

    I don't know. Perhaps psychological profiling might determine their real mindsets.

    Maybe you should give them a chance.
  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Maybe they will treat their women better, not leave the country to murder people! Maybe they won't do lots of things..

    Not a chance! They had that when they came to Britain, be it them or their families! Break the rules, pay the price!
    Can't do the time! Don't do the crime!
    Okiefreak and sae68 like this.
  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    'Sobered up' isn't really very germane in the case of Muslims who forbid all intoxicants. Maybe if they didn't they wouldn't be so uptight. Perhaps though you mean they are/were drunk on the spirit of jihad.

    Give them a chance? Perhaps if it can be shown without doubt that they repent their actions. I don't trust psychologists to make such a determination. I think they're going to have be carefully monitored for a number of years before it can be assumed they pose no further threat. Maybe they should simply be detained for a time whilst some decision on their long term future is worked out. If it can be shown that they've committed criminal actions, and I strongly suspect they have, they should be charged and put on trial.
    Okiefreak and morrow like this.
  4. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    When the first European country falls, the world will once again embrace borders.
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Can you explain please?
  6. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    According to the article, the UK is worried about extremism. ISIS fighters have been routed from their homelands and are seeking refuge in other countries. I don't think they'll suddenly be civilized. They are indoctrinated with radical beliefs, but the world is so worried about appearing uncaring or xenophobic or some such that places like the UK, Germany, until recently the US, etc are opening their arms to these people. All it will take is one uprising, one terrorist act, one Western country to be a literal battlefield, and I predict virtually all word leaders will be like Trump and close the proverbial gate.

    Travel between countries will become very difficult, virtually impossible for Muslims.
    Okiefreak likes this.
  7. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    One of us read it wrong!
    I read it that the return of British Muslims fighting in another country, are about to return here, and the government is unsure how to deal with them..Never mind...Shhhhhhh!
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    This isn't about refugees, but British nationals who have left Britain and gone to fight in Syria. Not people who've been 'routed from their homeland'. Probably a lot of them are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. Grew up here, felt alienated, and got pissed off. Perhaps a lot of them have Yorkshire accents.

    Also if you check the news you'll see that far from having open arms to refugees, the UK is actually going back on it's previous commitment to take lone child refugees even.
  9. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    No. It isn't about refugees. Which I never mentioned refugees.

    They have grown up in the UK, but they went to Syria to fight. Perhaps, had they been victorious in their 'homeland' (yes, the UK is not a Muslim homeland) they might have stayed and created their utopia. That did not happen, and now they are returning to the land of the infidels.

    Look at this way. Had the UK launched an all out military assault on ISIS, what side do you think these guys would be on?
    Okiefreak likes this.
  10. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Actually doesn't make sense to me..
  11. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    But this does not take into account the fact that there are a large number of british whites as well who have embraced Islam and may have joined isis.

    As per a 2011 article, around 10000 native britishers have embraced islam and most of these converts being women and white, citing alcohol and drunkenness, a ‘lack of morality and sexual permissiveness’, and ‘unrestrained consumerism’ as being the reasons for them to embrace Islam. And as per the report, the conversions are growing at an increasing rate with each passing year and Islam is now the second largest religion in the U.K.

    I would say that this could also be of general dissatisfaction of the way Britain had readily lined itself with america in the invasion of iraq inspite of scanty intelligence, expending its own troops, resources and dignity.

    George Michael's animated video ' Shoot the dog' shows Tony Blair as a poodle being cossetted by George Bush and as a ship's captain steering Britain towards America.

    This could also have lead to the radicalisation of British muslim youth in favour of the isis ideology.

    Similarly Lauren Booth, Tony Blair's sister-in-law herself adopted Islam in protest against Blair's policies.

    Maharshi Mahesh Yogi also stopped the teaching of Transcendental Meditation in Britian following the iraqi invasion, saying that there is no point continuing to waste the "beautiful nectar" of TM on a "scorpion" nation.

  12. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    and most of these converts being women and white!

    Yes, this is more to do with Asian men, and the grooming of white women! It's been proven in the courts, there are more Asian men in prison for grooming white female children and women, than white men! Do we need to quote cases over this? Obviously it can be done!

    This could also have lead to the radicalisation of British muslim youth in favour of the isis ideology

    No, it's just the way Muslim youth are now, it's like a game to the youth! Untill they need to come back, which unless killed they always do! They plain and simply don't give a shit about human life!


    It is the desire of Muslims to take over the world, be one religion, and THAT is what's happening, that's why so many youths are being coaxed into the religion! Unfortunately it's not easy to convince older people who are set in their ways! Also, what use would they be?
    So many young white woman, unmarried, having Asian babies! Yet no young Asian women with babies! Yes it shows a lack of morality, but also of grooming!

    Just don't think we don't know!
    1 person likes this.
  13. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Sounds like a mention of refugees to me. One 'seeking refuge' is usually called a refugee.

    The thing is though that most of those seeking refuge are not IS fighters, but civilians caught up in a bloody civil war.
  14. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    The grooming though is about sexual exploitation/abuse not really trying to convert girls to Islam. Of course I find grooming for sex to be a very obnoxious thing, but it's not really the same issue as western women converting.

    I actually know one female convert to Islam.A person with whom I was quite close years ago. The way I read it, her conversion came at least partly because she doesn't like the way women's roles have changed in western culture, and sees Islam as more traditional. In other words, she wants to be a second class citizen.Wants to play the 'weak woman'. Doesn't want to think independently, but to have men telling her what to do.The Koran seems to answer her questions about life. Because she's in her 50s, she hasn't managed after more than a decade to grab a Muslim man to marry her. I think the real Muslims regard her a as a freak. They can't tell her to go away because she's converted, but she isn't fully accepted. Or that's the way it appears to me.

    If you ask me, I think it's a kind of madness. But it's her life.
  15. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    There are also white british males who have converted to Islam and even become terrorists. I remember reading of a british convert who fought alongside the taliban. Nicky Reilly is another such brit.

    The point I am putting over here is that many white britishers themselves are promoting the islamist ideology and not just those of asian-african origin.

    What difference does it make if I think or don't think that you don't know !
  16. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Which is just my point. But it will make sense the second a jihad jumps off in a Western country.
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    A jihad against the UK itself you mean? Declared by some people who if they really act on it will get arrested and sentenced.

    And your point was that it doesn't make sense to her? Well you explained that thorougly. It all makes sense now!
  18. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Were you born well after 9/11 or something?
  19. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    The numbers of ethnically British male converts are hard to asses. But really it's only a very tiny proportion of the white male population. Definitely more women who convert.

    So I think the notion that 'many' white Brits are promoting Islam is a little bit of an exaggeration. There have though been some who have converted and taken up arms. So called 'Jihadi John' probably being the most famous.

    I saw an interview with one male convert and my impression was he was simply a sociopathic trouble maker who wanted to be Muslim simply because that would, in his estimation, give him an excuse to act out violence. Of course, that's only my impression.

    I've noticed on the forums several times before a tendency for people in the USA to imagine, based on sensationalist news coverage, that the UK is all but conquered by Islam. Truth is, that's very far from the case.
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  20. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Fact is , I remembered last night that the english version of the quran I have was translated and written by a white british convert , and have seen him lecture and talk at islamic conferences world wide as reported by newspapers, promoting the islamic lifestyle and religion.

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