
Discussion in 'Politics' started by prankster1590, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Eugene

    Eugene Senior Member

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    I think that that was the poster's point. That the KKK does not represent the views of all christians, or even a good number of christians, just like al qadia. You said that christians haven't ever formed an army to attack the infidel, well, that's wrong.
    And the christians have by far burnt more ancient texts than the muslims. I don't know where you are getting your info that they burned the library at alexandria, but during the middle ages the muslim countries were the only western ones that went out of their way to preserve and expand ancient texts. They knew that the knowledge preserved in the caves in their empire could be beneficial to man kind, and they used them to develope advanced mathematics and poetry while the christians were burning each other at the stake, killing jews (the muslims and the jews, considered over the entire span of history, got along alot better than the christians and the jews), and wiping their ass with their hands.
    Anyways, the christians were the ones that burned the mayan and aztec libraries, and put their populations to the sword. Those that survived they enslaved.
    The history of christianity is not a proud one, and just because in the past half century xians haven't been as violent as they were before is no reason to assume that they aren't violent.
  2. Random Andy

    Random Andy Member

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    Taxrefund or Prankster, do you mind me asking... are you Christians? I'm guessing not, in which case why don't you attack Islam and Christianity for the thing they are both guilty of which is encouraging perfectly capable people to submit to the will of 'God' as preached by whatever maniac decides to say he knows what god's will is.

    That is what leads to the violence which is clearly so evident in the histories of both religions.
  3. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    I think you misunderstood me. I made my post as a point that if one believes that Islam is a violent religion because of the example of some extremeists then one must conclude that the western religion of choice is also a violent one as well. Making it painfully obvious what poor logic it is was to think that way. I am glad you picked up on the foolish logic, though, it seems my point was made [​IMG]
  4. Random Andy

    Random Andy Member

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    "I'm not racist but (insert generalisation or stereotype here)" Translates simply as "I'm racist"
  5. prankster1590

    prankster1590 Member

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    These are some verses in the qur'an which are used to make from good people and good muslims (who really exist) into terrorists and killers. These versus togheter whith a charismatic leader or hero type of person is enough to brainwash kids to fight an useless war.

    By the way. All violence in the bible is in the old testament which is the Jew book. The Part with Jesus or the cristian books never says to use violence against others. The New Testament is the only pacifist part of all holy books.
    It has it's bad name because of actions from people who lived a dark time.
  6. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    but christianity has become a little more modern while islam has seemed to have gone back to the middle ages socially(i.e. genocides, cutting off limbs, encouraging women to hide their faces)

    and caliph omar was reported to have said "if the books of the library did not contain the teachings of the , they were useless and should be destroyed"

    sure christianity is pretty violent, but islam is a little more accepting of violence.

    Yea, i guess facing reality is racism.
  7. m6m

    m6m Member

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    Christianity and Islam are violent religions, because the Jews, as conquered men, desperately needed a psychological tool to compensate for the intense Sexual Inadequacy suffered by conquered men.

    It is no coincedence that Old World Religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism are intensely Patriarchal, Because Patriarchy is the first symptom of Male Sexual Inadequacy.

    The historic violent Homo-Erotic Sado-Masochism of these Religions is the common perversion of conquered men's Latent Homo-Sexuality.
  8. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger Senior Member

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    "when did the last plain full of christians crash into a building?"

    But during WW II, the "allies" (U.S. & England mainly) dropped firebombs from "plains"(sic) in Dreden Germany and killed 100,000 of Christians IN A SINGLE NIGHT.
    We burnt One Hundred Thousand people to death in a single night.
    These weren't soldiers we killed. They were civilians, non-combatents. Children, women, the elderly and disabled.
    The target was not munition depots or plane factories. The target was the city itself, and the people in it.
    As far as I'm concerned, it was a war crime.

    Now, who's bloodthirsty?
  9. Random Andy

    Random Andy Member

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    It so isn't. There's good and bad in every person and there's good and bad in every people. Racism is destructive.

    Why don't you answer my previous post: Why not attack the principle, blind faith is a virtue, evident in both religions. That is the cause of the unthinking violence.
  10. Random Andy

    Random Andy Member

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    Muslims and others from poorer parts of the world probably think it's quite evil that while 30,000 children a day are dying from lack of food and clean water, the fastest growing health problem in the west is obesity.
  11. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    o yea. i couldn't agree with you more. blind faith is a terrible thing. christian or islam, paganism or eastern cannabilism. but while 30,000 children die a day, look at how many people are dead and are going to die in sudan. it's because of the genocide against the blacks and non-arabs by the arab militia. christians as well as muslims should be doing more against the militia.
  12. feministhippy

    feministhippy Member

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    Arab extremists are a minority, they're just a powerful one. Most Muslims have a real problem with them, but they are afraid of them.

    Your issue should be with the worst of the group, not the whole of it.

    And people need to stop holding up Jihad as part of their anti-Islam arguement, as well. If you'd actually read the Qu'ran, you'd know that it is a metophor.
  13. jonny2mad

    jonny2mad Senior Member

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    Ive read the koran a number of times and jihad isnt a metophor

    maybe Im wrong and maybe all my ex muslim atheist friends are wrong too so if you could explain something to me

    show me where in the Quran Jihad is described as an inner struggle.
    Why are the blind ill weak and women exempt? why do you need weapons and have to prepare? Why did the Prophet say after conquering Mecca say No migration Now only jihad?
  14. prankster1590

    prankster1590 Member

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    Ok. Those who say that the Jihad is a metaphor. Explain this quote from the qur'an.

  15. stoney69

    stoney69 Member

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    might i suggest this ends here - you're not goin to change anyones views on their formed (influenced) opinions. it is encouragin however to see most value humanity!
  16. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    yea but if they are just a minority, why don't they just fight back with their will power. we all know will power is pretty strong. that and determination. will power and determination, determination and will power.

    i never really mentioned jihad, just their normal treatment of criminals and women.
  17. stoney69

    stoney69 Member

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    hahaha such a bloody joke!
  18. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    fine what do you want to hear me say. that i was wrong and you were right. i am sorry. but so many people's lives depended on my decision. but now they're all dead and it's because i couldn't difuse the bomb in time. now they're all dead.
  19. m6m

    m6m Member

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    Civilized Man uses Religion to release, by deceptive indirect-means, our repressed Sexual-Energy.

    Religion is Sex by other-means.

    Symbolized Sub-Conscious Sex goes a long ways in relieving us of our repressed Sexual-Energy.

    Even our Religious attatchments to competing Cosmologies is Symbolic Sexual Competition.

    Heaven or Paradise, like Money or Power, has Sex-Appeal.

    Religions, like neighborhood gangs, give a strength in numbers that compensates the Sexually Inadequate Male.

    The Effeminate Civilized Male, who has submissively surrendered to the authority and security of Hierarchical Civilization these past 10,000yrs.

    Cripps or Bloods, Muslims or Christians, we're merely expressing Primate Impulses.

    Turf-War of the Hidden-Psyche.
  20. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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