Is USA a nice place to live?

Discussion in 'U.S.A.' started by hippie1987, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. hippie1987

    hippie1987 Guest

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    First I live in Britain and have never been to the US. But despite all the shit happening at the moment with the country I've always wanted to live or at least visit there. I don't really know what it is that makes me want to go. Maybe it's the fact that USA is almost a world in itself with many different sorts of places to go and visit. Anyway, I just like to know what it's like to live there. Is it as nice as I think or is it the last place I'd like to go with the political shit happening at the moment.
  2. dricas24

    dricas24 Member

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    Well I think back in the 60s and the early 70s was a good time but now its not as great it doesn't have that type of feel the 60s had. This is just my opinion my personality highly fits the 60s.
  3. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    its still a great place to visit/live if you totaly ignore the government & the bullshit that goes with it
    if you think of it as a land instead of a country its a wonderful & beautiful place, but like most lands when you recognize the governments that claim dominion over the land & the people who happen to live on the land it gives it some ugliness

    i guess if your really worried about the political situation which i wouldnt blame ya for since i was all ready to leave here when bush stole control, i'd saqy just wait till hes either impeached arressted or has to leave office & once his reign of terror ends things should return to semi normalcy
  4. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    He is weary of the politics going on now, and you are saying that the 60s and 70s were better? :confused:

    Of course you should come visit before deciding to move here. Travel around and see what the US has to offer in different areas because it obviously varies greatly. Just remember, for every person who wants to move to the US, there is probably one US citizen who can't wait to move out. ....okay, so there are way more that want in, but you get the point.
  5. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    realy on a daily basis you wont have to worry about politics, its realy not that bad at all,i dont know why people bitch about it so much,if you where to move here you would have to deal with politics and even then its not bad
  6. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    I can't really think of many things in life that don't involve politics... in any country.
  7. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    You don't mention where you are FROM. Are you a British subject. You do state, however, "Maybe it's the fact that [the] USA is almost a world in itself with many different sorts of places to go and visit." This is probably the core of being in the United States. We are and know that every area is different. You can see it in the fact that chain stores in different parts of town have different products, that some folks in areas voted for Bush and others didn't, that some send their kids to private school and that some believe in things that others don't. We are a country of diversity... and LOTS of it!

    We have experienced numerous tragedies. We just honored the memory of losing the World Trade Center four years ago. Now we are still reeling in loosing the City of New Orleans. Even after the water table returns to lower levels, the city will never quite be what it was. Our country mobilizes and reaches out to help. Police and fire fighters and federal agents came from all over the country to help.

    I live in California and have made this place my home over twenty years ago. I've travelled extensive through Canada, Mexico and Europe. No matter where I go I am always delighted to return. I don't always like what's going on in my own country, but I have never regretted having the United States passport as part of my identity.
  8. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    I often think about the government because they are involved in so many aspects of our lives. From the condition of the roads we drive on and their speed limits, taxes coming out of our weekly or biweekly paychecks, gas prices, legal agest for voting/drinking/smoking/renting cars, really... everything. I also work for a non-profit organization which amplifies my focus on the government, but still...

    I don't use many government services either, by way of... public transportation and things like that. But I do go to the library a few times a week which is of course, a government service.
  9. koopa

    koopa De Kuil Krue Hipster

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    Personally I am a huge fan of the suburban lifestyle and I think that America is great for that! If ur a straight up city person we've got some great ones. But since you asked about living here I can say that the suburbs are peaceful but still plugged in to modern day entertainment. Anybody raising a family is fortunate to do it in an american suburb as well. Being less than 30 minutes from NYC but living in an area with no houses larger than 2 family and neighbors outside doing there own landscaping still is nice!

    Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that people in US suburbs live a passe cookie cutter existance....i'm not talking leave it to beaver here

    But USA has ghetto's (my suburban town is even on the border of one) and the suburbs are way more attractive
  10. IntenseHeat

    IntenseHeat Member

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    Many Many places just avoid the large cities = THEY ALL SUCK. NEW YORK, L.A, CHICAGO, MIAMI, WASHINGTON DC , in between those city lies a huge country with beutifull landscapes and nice quiet towns & forests etc . and national parks.
  11. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    england is just as diverse as the u.s. one minute you have big city london, the next your strolling through the countryside. maybe you should just stay there. your not missing much.
  12. AmericanWanderer

    AmericanWanderer Member

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    I totally agree. I hate the city . . . all I see is dead trees and smog. The real beauty is that rugged American landscape that hasn't been destroyed yet.

    It depends on your personality, about whether or not you'd like America, here there are a million ways and places to be and each one of them is different. I was born in Santa Cruz, California and grew up in the Monterey Bay area. It's very chill, very laid-back, very liberal. But in some spots in California the school system isn't great. If you're more ambitious, the East Coast might be for you, which is where I live now. Here in Pennsylvania, it's a lot more conservative and people are all about progress and commercialism (ick). New England is a beautiful area as well and is very historical. And then down South, which might be MY personal favorite, things kind of move slower. It's nice, especially in the mountains. Well, again, you have to be selective about the area. I'm not talking Brevitt County, Kentucky--you'll find a lot of Confederate flags and mullets ;). But North Carolina is nice.

    As far as actually BEING an American . . . I like what America stands for--or even used to stand for, but I'll admit I'm ashamed of my country all too often.
  13. TheLittleOne

    TheLittleOne Senior Member

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    4 would you have any idea what life what like 20 years before you were born?
  14. IntenseHeat

    IntenseHeat Member

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    TRY 30+ YEARS AGO.
  15. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    i have lived in both england and the US.
    i prefer england much more.
    but i do think the US is a very nice place to visit

    wish i could go back to england tho....:(
  16. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    YES IT IS.

    its the only place that i have been to in the US that i have actually liked. And i have been many places. I love NC so much. If I cant go back to england, NC would def be the place where I would go.
  17. AmericanWanderer

    AmericanWanderer Member

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    SunshineLovePeace . . . I am curious, why is England better? I've always wanted to go there.
  18. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    It all depends on where you go and who you meet.

    For many years, I thought my city was the worst place in the country or maybe even the world. Now that I've become involved with more things and have met more people, I've got a more favorable impression of the place.

    It depends on what you like and don't like about Britain. My guess is that you'd be happier in some places in the USA than others. If you want a big city, you probably won't be much happier in New York than you'd be in London. We've got some rural areas that are really remote, possibly much more remote than anything in Britain. On top of that, many Americans live in small towns or sprawling suburbs.

    If you're looking for a place where people have to get into their cars to buy milk and bread, America is your paradise.

    The real question is what you're looking for.
  19. SaintStephen

    SaintStephen Member

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    The values that America was based upon rock. What makes America awesome is the diversity. Its all one country and yet it has many many many subcultures. People are people. There are assholes where ever you go. There are wonderful people where ever you go. It really depends on the culture whether or not you will like America. It does all depend on what you're looking for.

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