Is this acid?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by Zadooey, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Zadooey

    Zadooey Member

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    So I've been taking what I'm told is acid the past month or so. And I've been enjoying it alot. Not in the way that people seem to enjoy it usually though. I'm not getting any spiritual adventures or deep thoughts or anything. It feels like a party drug, I get really energized and feel slightly drunk and just involuntarily dance. It takes about an hour and a half to two to come up and 12 hours to come down. Visuals are non existent on one and on two things will dance and wave and go in and out. I tried taking three for the first time, and by myself to see if I could go on this spiritual journey that people always rave about. But when I did this I could not think too clearly or very deeply at all. Which I noticed happened before with less tabs as well but I thought I just needed more. The visuals were also ridiculous. They were not like shrooms visuals or like the visuals I've read LSD to be described as. I wasn't even able to open my eyes at some points of the peak because it made me so nauseous. Its difficult to explain, but it was like my vision turned into a slideshow of pictures. That were all zooming in and out, and on different angles. Like I could just sit down and everything in the room, including my perspective would shift in, then back, then to the side, then back again, then further out. Then the room would crush and bend and morph together. It was extremely uncomfortable. It was like the room was glitching in and out and reappearing at different angles constantly over and over again. But this didnt happen fluidly, it would happen every half second it would be similar to another frame of a picture. Ive taken shrooms a few times and the visuals were much more enjoyable, I saw one clear picture, just differently. This was like I was scrolling through a slideshow of pictures in my room all at different angles and depths. And my brain was trying to process two of the pictures at once. I would see the same thing, like my door for example that would glitch between two positions over and over again with no transition. It would be straight, glitch, diagonal. Then straight again. At points I would see both angles at the same time. This would happen with everything I could see, So I'd see one thing going out, at the same time I'd see my field of vision twist and get closer. This made me feel like I was traveling through my room even though I was sitting down. I could see my field of vision get closer and closer to something, and travel paths around my room. And do a bunch more weird shit like that. I tried laying in my bed in the dark because I couldn't stand to keep my eyes open but I could not tell where I was. It felt like I was falling, which also made me nauseous. I tried meditation and trying the spiritual journey that people talk about but I was just stuck on how intense and ridiculous everything is right now. I could not focus at all. In my mind, or with my eyes open. I just woke up after sleeping for about 8 hours and am still getting it to a minor degree. Is this normal?? If so I don't see why anyone would ever do acid. Shrooms were much more spiritual and overall enjoyable.
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Did you notice any taste of numbing of the mouth? This doesn't sound like acid to me. Probably NBOME.
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Doesn't sound at all like LSD . . . don't take 3 tabs of new chemicals! you could have really gotten hurt. Always start with 1, or even less preferably.

    It's probably NBOME or a lysergic analogue.
  4. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    you pretty much only described the visuals (trips are hard to describe i know), but it's hard to say from just that.

    but even so...i would tend to agree. doesn't sound like LSD.

    did it have a numbing sensation or taste?
  5. Zadooey

    Zadooey Member

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    I didn't have any numbing or bitter taste it didn't taste like anything. Just paper. The mental part of the trip is kinda difficult to describe, its not even like you're tripping really. I've noticed every time I do shrooms I love to sit and think about everything and feel very happy and content with life. I'll try my best

    1 tab- Lots of energy, no visuals, irresistible urge to dance, strange feeling in my head like its over inflated, overall not much different than alcohol. Very happy and social
    2 tab- Everything from 1 except you forget everything that happened before the trip. Like your day started with the trip. Also visuals, things will breathe and wave and I also saw ants everywhere, crawling on my legs and up my body. Emotionally fragile, whatever I am currently doing becomes my world and I don't know anything outside of it. Intense euphoria and love. Want to hug and cuddle with everything and everyone.
    This time the trip was very unpleasant. Still clearheaded, but losing my mind a bit. Things were no longer breathing or waving like on 2, instead everything was replaced with what I had described. I couldn't think very deeply at all but I still didn't feel much different in my mind. No energy to dance, no euphoria or love or any of the good stuff on 1 or 2. It was more just like I was sitting there for 12 hours wishing my vision would come back to normal. I couldn't do anything. I tried reading on the internet but everything popped out of the screen, I couldn't really think about anything and my visuals were too fucked up to even want to open my eyes. It was awful.

    My vision has still not returned to normal after two days. Especially after smoking. Its better but not the same. I'm really scared that I fucked up my brain and am pretty turned off drugs. Will I return to normal eventually??
  6. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    lsd is like shrooms

    the increased energy reminds me of Dox chemicals. tho these have very strong bitter taste. or could be a type of nbome or something from the 2c family. these too should have strong taste, the nbome family does not work when swallowed.

    it could also be an lsd analogue tho I doubt it! because you were not reacting well to high doses.
    there are just too many things that can be put on blotter paper. bromo dragonfly etc...
  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I did one time get a hold of something labeled as LSD but had effects that sound very similar to yours. This was in 1980 and I honestly don't know if it was some other chem or poorly synthesized LSD.
    Wild visual fluctuations and general uncomfortable feeling of "I just want this to end!"
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    hmm, but going by this description it sounds like weak doses that kicked you butt unexpectedly when you took 3, except for the prolonged visual disturbances.
    You initial description is a little hard to envision, but I could still understand it in terms of you simply not being familiar with the effects of a high dose, considering the effects you say you usually get sound like classic 40-50ug effects. The wild visuals don't sound all that wild in comparison to some of the shit I've seen. :p

    So was it just weak doses or some other chem?

    only your dealer knows for sure ;)
  9. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    A lot of those effects do sound like LSD, although I'd probably use different semantics in some parts. I.e. 'disinhibting' vs. 'Drunk.'. The dose/response curve sounds fairly accurate, not everyone turns into Socrates on LSD and it can sometimes have an unyielding, overbearing edge to it that is rarely present in Shrooms. The part that makes me think it could be something else like LSZ is the nausea you experienced. (I speculate LSZ as it's a newer chem to the market and I'm seeing some parallels with others experience and what you describe) That is not a normal effect of LSD at those dose ranges, and while LSD doesn't necessarily guarantee you deeply explore your mind on any given trip, it generally doesn't produce the mental vaccuum which you seem to be describing either.
  10. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    you still got some hits? buy a reagent test and test it. you can order online at eztest dot com. it's legal and it will not get you into trouble.
  11. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    the clearheaded part makes it sound like not LSD to me. i guess if i've only tried shrooms and LSD, i might call LSD clear headed though. but NBOMe seemed more clearheaded than LSD, but at the same time kinda's hard to describe this kinda shit.

    you should return to normal eventually. it shouldn't take very long. lay off the weed if you don't like how it makes you feel. i experienced the same thing -after intense trips, smoking is not quite the same, more psychedelic and can be more anxiety-ridden.
  12. Zadooey

    Zadooey Member

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    Yeah I know its so difficult to put into words. Its like my field of vision would shift fowards constantly, getting closer and closer to whatever I'm looking at. But at the same time it would shift side to side or backwards. And I only saw it in frames it wasn't a continuous movement towards something. Every half second I'd be like a foot closer and slightly more diagonal. Imagine if you took a bunch of pictures of your room at different angles and depths. Then looked at a slideshow of them very quickly. Now its day three and my vision is still different. You know how when you close one eye and alternate and your field of vision shifts to the side? That happens every time I blink now but with both eyes.
  13. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    What about it being LSD cut with speed?

    The extra energy thing doesn't usually happen with pure LSD.

    They used to add speed to LSD in the old daze.

    Normally with pure LSD you can focus on something intently, but if it's speedy, your mind won't let you contemplate anything for long.
    It's really a f'd up synergy, and not enjoyable.

    The OP never mentioned the end of the trip. If it's speedy the crash will be much worse.
  14. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Speed is not potent enough dose wise to have anything beyond perhaps a threshold effect on several hits of standard blotter.

    Recently 25i-NBOME and in the past chems such as DOM are some psychedelic chems which can exhibit some surface similarities to acid and speed and are likely culprits for that type of experience, however both those chems are generally bitter tasting which the op suggested otherwise in his experience.
  15. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    "lsd cut with speed" was probably Dox
  16. Zadooey

    Zadooey Member

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    Yes every time I've done it the crash was awful. You feel very brain dead and drained for the next day or two. My head would feel inflated in this time if that makes sense. I'd also get emotionless and just numb inside. You really feel not all there the next day.
  17. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    a speedy LSD trip can probably result from pure LSD as well. i have had vastly different trips from the exact same dose of the same LSD. set and setting matters a lot, and if you get an anxious idea in your head while tripping, your brain can kinda run with it and make a big deal out of basically nothing.

    OP, either your body/mind doesn't agree with LSD, or that was not LSD.

    the visuals sound NOTHING like what i get from LSD. they are much more flowing and ....pretty than what you described. but i am guessing that even LSD could produce visuals like that in certain cases.
  18. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    That sounds more like speed than LSD. You do crash on LSD, but you get over it in a few hours. The big difference is on LSD you don't feel numb or emotionless when you come down. In my experience you feel more sensitive, more aware. One feature of LSD that I noticed is that after the crash I feel like I can do anything. You feel empowered, like you can change the world.

    The worst crashes I've had on LSD were with Orange Sunshine barrels, which everyone knew was cut with speed. But even so it was still a "good" trip. :)
  19. Zadooey

    Zadooey Member

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    Wait so speed as in meth?? Can that be put on blotter paper?
  20. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Not as far as I know. Allot of people from the 60's and 70's swear it happened though.

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