I know that this is not LSD-25 or anything even close, but a guy told me that he's done this 75 times and that it works real well. Without getting into every technical detail... Soak rye bread in moonshine until the ergot grows. Do it in an airtight, dark, dry environment like a cookie tin and seal it with duct tape. It might take 8 days or so. After eight days, shine it under a black light and pick off the yellow spots that would be poisonous. Wear gloves while doing this. Squeeze the liquid out of it through a filter, run it through a still, and put it in a Visine bottle. He said that will make you trip real hard. Has anyone done any of this "ghetto acid?" How did it work?
Lol. Somebody told me it worked though. I mean, people trip on LSA that is made from less-involved methods than that. So, basically, should I just give up on ever wanting to make my own acid? I do not have an advanced chemistry set, not am I willing to risk my freedom to try to get exotic chemicals.
How about just orange juice and rye bread? That's what some people do in jail... and they convince themselves that it is having an effect because they are just so bored.
no that shit won't work. do the shit the right way, or don't do it at all oh, and the guy that said he's done it 75 times and it worked, he's just yankin' ur chain. check this link out, this may be a good starting point of reading if your interested in some real ways to synthesize lsd-25. however, i would advise you not to attempt such a thing, mostly because i don't think you would be capable of successfully completing it. https://www.erowid.org/archive/rhodium/chemistry/lsd-buzz.html
Considering LSD is one of the least toxic substances known to mankind, and has never killed anyone from toxicity, and consider this recipe sounds like a quick way to end up in the ICU possibly on dialysis from some exotic fungal toxicity . . . yeah not even close.