Is The Pope A Communist?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Balbus, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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  2. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    The evidence is that he is commonly concerned.
  4. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    The pope is not communist, hence the moniker pope.
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    He spoke truth and I agree with him. IMO he's finally addressing what most everyone knows, except those with the intense desire to somehow believe that they are owed

    whatever they can take from the earth indefinitely, turn finite resources into endless products and convince us they're needed. There have been multiple warnings over time concerning the results of industrialists having control over citizens and

    the country in which they live. Lincoln, Jefferson, Roosevelt, etc. It has come to pass once more and the hand maidens of the industrialists--the republicans mostly, will do and say anything-- as reported--even call the Pope a commie. They owe no fealty to any country, pay almost zero taxes, and control the laws as to who pays and how much is paid.

    They make sure that hidden tax havens continue to exist--hiding billions --for themselves of course--and instead of forcing the industrialists to pay their fair share, they bleat about having to cut back on expenditures and shrink the government down to nothing. First to go is anything that may help common citizens that need help, to get help. Refuse medicare in some cases, cut food stamps, begrudge those who need government subsidies to get insurance, ("supreme court will weigh in on this soon--that's what the neo cons hate--seeing folks get help, when the money more rightly BELONGS TO THEM.) They salivate when they think of being able to get their greedy mitts on social security. Never mind that many, many need it. And---"only the little people pay taxes," said the hotel maven a few years back. Typical.

    You have to give it to them in some ways. They've gotten rid of the fairness doctrine that simply said a person had the right to appear wherever -TV-radio-print, and answer what has been implied or said about them outright--and have a legal chance to answer any charges made. That's why Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Savage and the rest of them--24-7-365--have set the tone in society for 10-15 years now. No one has a right to dispute lies and distortions. Mean, nasty motherfuckers that are no more than suck-asses to the industrialists, fostering deleterious effects to common citizens.

    Give it to them again with what they are doing with the education system. They are so besotted with power and money, that they realize an informed citizenry would see right through their rigged games--alas--"an ignorant populace is a compliant populace." Maybe they've made us TOO comfortable so that we won't rock "the boat."

    Right to work. They love this one. Should employees take whatever owners give them, however paltry the wages may be , however dangerous or tedious ,without having any recourse? Of course not. Shut your pie hole, get back on the treadmill or hit the road, Jack. It's becoming exactly what the Pope has said and will absolutely lead to chaos some time --maybe sooner than later.

    The major aquifers worldwide are being depleted faster than any possible recovery. Erlichs "The Population Bomb" addressed over population back in the 60s. Anyone talking about a one or two child policy to help stave off the results of over extraction of resources? Popes probably against this, but it will have to happen.

    Anyway, the catholic church, historic warts and all, finally has a leader that has some vision and has spoken truth to power. Makes me worry for his health. The Kennedy-KIng solution is always available for right wingers if they're pushed enough.
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  6. snowtiggernd

    snowtiggernd Member

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    The right wingers always reach for the commie accusation when they hear things that go against the agenda they are trying to push. The modern version is Muslim of course.
  7. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    As I understand it, it would be very difficult for a future Pope to go back on this.

    I'm glad anyway that Francis has shown some moral courage - he's gone way up in my estimation as a result of this.
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  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    When BlackBillBlake,The Dope and Tyrsonwood like my post five--I figure I'm on pretty solid ground. Appreciate the likes.
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