Hi, So, i got my right nipple pierced friday and the next day, i noticed that on one side, it look like that it have a tear (right side on image) but i'm not sure. Plus, since yesterday, on the same side, i started to have a little bit on redness. I do not have a lot of lymph but when I do, it's white or bluish because of the ink she used to do the dots... Is there something wrong with it? Plus, My nipple is really sore today. I'm starting my period so is it related? Thanks!
Thanks for you answers. Here's a picture with my cell. Hope everyone can see a bit more the redness. Anyway, i'm just scare that something happen and that I have to take it out cause I really love it!
I appears to be normal! All the piercings I ever got in my entire life have gotten a little red and swollen like yours appear to be doing. I say it looks fine but if you ever have any concerns you should go to the shop and see if everything is alright. Also be sure to follow cleaning instructions!
Thanks! I'm doing the after care she told me to do. I'm doing sea salt 2-3 times a day. I think i might just be a little paranoiac! lolllll
It looks fine to me, although I have never had a nipple piercing, I have had many others. Just keep it clean and be sure to soak it in the salt 3 times a day.
First I would ask how long you've had your nipple pierced. If it's less than two months, I wouldn't panic. Just continue to think of this as a wound that will be angry through a portion of the healing process. Redness is normal, I experienced it with mine for a good while and discharge is nothing to worry about(Unless the discharge is green, smelly and the area is painfully swollen and hot). Do not soak your fresh piercing in sea salt. It encourages scar tissue and that is a big no-no. Wash it twice daily with a mild, basic soap. No perfumes or dyes is the important part. Don't twist, turn, push or pull it and when you do clean it do it wish washed hands and dry it very lightly with a paper towel. Cotton swabs can leave bits of cotton behind and irritate it further. If movement of your breasts are irritating it then wear a sports bra, the support really made mine feel better. Just remember to leave it alone unless your cleaning it and it IS possible to overclean your piercing. But so far, you're doing fine.
My second lobe piercing is still oozing yellow crusty sticky after 3months. I followed after care same as first piercing. I have now tried fixing the infection with tea tree its drying but still oozing. Anything else that i can try?
My second lobe piercing is still oozing yellow crusty sticky after 3months. I followed after care same as first piercing. I have now tried fixing the infection with tea tree its drying but still oozing. Anything else that i can try?
Dear tattgirl........I Am Confused.......First You Post Identical Posts 4 Days Apart.....Then You Post A Like To Your Second Post...... Cheers Glen.