I’m honestly petrified right now with how bad my sexual stamina is. I’m 19 and I just had morning sex with my gf and I lasted like 15 seconds, and this is pretty much the norm. Longest I’ve ever lasted was like 3-4 minutes and I’ve been having sex since 17. I met my current gf right after I turned 18 and ever since then I haven’t gotten any better. You’d think having sex with the same partner for a year I’d be able to last at least 30 minutes but nope. I’ve been trying to fix this for a lil while now by doing kegels, stop start, squeezing the tip, distracting myself, and deep breathing and nothing has worked. It hasn’t been to long maybe just a month but still I would expect a tiny bit of improvement by now. I’m scared that I’m going to have PE for the rest of my life because like cmon who tf lasts 15 seconds?? I see other guys say that online but idk every ametuer porn video I’ve seen with young people they at least last 7 minutes and most 20-40 minutes. I’m worried if it’s this bad right now it’s a permanent thing I’ll never be able to fix. Is this something to worry about? Because this morning was just so awful and pathetic(like almost every other time) I’m about ready to just throw the white flag and give up. I’m starting to obsess over this issue and get depressed about it. The reason I stress about this so much is sex is just amazing and magical to me and I’m a real good looker, I have a great body and a huge you know what and my foreplay and oral abilities are extremely good and keep getting better but that all goes to waste with exploding after like 8 pumps New here btw, thanks for advice
That's right. And it's a good thing we don't take their insults seriously because we might just decide to fuck them over for it . . . and we'd know how to make it last alllllll night.
There's gel you can buy to stop this that desensitises the glans and what not. Have seen it on pharmacy shelf in the sex health sections. Hope this helps.
Come on folks, the young man asked a serious question. I think that the more you think and worry about it, the more the problem will exist. Instead of just closing your eyes and making love to your lady, talk to her while your have intercourse. Concentrate on her and not you. Ask her if a different movement, position, or anything else might be better for her. It might help if you're not focused on how good it feels to you. But, seriously, that is what professionals are for. Ask you doctor if there's something that might help. And don't be embarrassed to ask, it's not that uncommon for men.
No It's Not......Just Follow The Advice You Were Given.....And That Was "Jerk Off" Before You Go On A Hot Date..... When I Was A Teenager I Did This Every Time......Tit Worked For Me.....I See No Reason Why It Won't Work For You....... Happy Wanking..... Cheers Glen.
I mean any real ways of fixing it. People use that as a method to last long in the meantime but it doesn’t fix the actual problem
the cream irminsul speaks of numbs your pecker so you can last longer....just go buy it.....keep in mind the cashier sees far more embarrassing stuff ...also available at sex shops