I heard it was common there but I dont know is it true. Breaking bad was about Meth. For example in Turkey there is no Meth. It is used in usa. I am far from usa.
Yes. We even have to regulate otc drug sells due to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Methamphetamine_Epidemic_Act_of_2005
Yea, in the United States, locations basically are desinged as such. A water source where the city is developed around, layering suburbs and industies nearby, and rural areas on the outskirts. Many states have their own source of meth coming from the rural outskirts, I know it's big in NY, Iowa, and Colorado
I don't know how truly abundant it is but it is certainly around. I had a coworker friend a few years ago tell me meth is more commonly used than weed in her area. That is likely just a tweeker perspective based on availability heuristic but it seems fairly prevalent. There is a whole meth subculture here in California (perhaps elsewhere) referred to as party n play. An interesting documentary if you want a glimpse into San Francisco meth culture. http://youtu.be/gJU4f2cWkOo
Another part of meth culture you have to consider, is that people take it to work their two part time jobs. it's stimulating, it keeps them up, maybe they're just not interested in pot's sedative effects. Then again, maybe it's just not a strong enough high compared to tweeking. Just thought I'd add that
it's a completely different type of drug than marijuana. meth users appreciate the stimulation and everything that comes with said stimulation which could be why some tweakers don't care much for weed. most meth produced in the United states is done in small batches and usually isn't highly sophisticated. it's mostly done by one person to supply one or a small group of people with a supply of meth. this meth is usually less pure because meth heads will use the shake and bake method and only they don't generally do a process that's more sophisticated than it has to be to get them high, as this takes more work, and extra materials that cost more money. these cooks will often skimp on certain steps or omit time consuming or expensive steps altogether. these are steps that are not absolutely necessary but would remove impurities from the product. large amounts of meth are made and trafficked by Mexican cartels. they make meth in "super labs" in large batches and is usually more pure as well (it's not shake and bake, the cooks probably aren't usually of breaking bad proportions but some of them might be, idk). these guys are motivated by money and the business of it.
I live in a small farm town. Can confirm. It's huge here. I'm near the Ohio border on the Pennsylvania side.
I grew up in a small farm town in Iowa. There were meth heads all over the place. It always seemed like a weirdly hostile little town, but eventually someone let me in on the big secret that there was a huge meth problem and it explained a lot. Thankfully no one ever tried to initiate me into the cult.
I'm sure a lot of people do it around here but it is also pretty taboo and frowned upon. It isn't really something you ever see people doing socially because you'll be shamed if anyone knows you do it.
There was a meth problem in my town where I grew up. It might still be there, but the local news says that they haven't found any manufacturing spots or meth labs in the area in 5-6 years which is a good thing, but meth use is still common. I used to be an apprentice at a car restoration garage, and the auto repair shop a few doors down from where I used to work was clearly a front for a meth lab. The guys there rarely worked on any of the cars they had at their shop and all over the yard. They came in only late at night, bring in more supplies, and cook more meth. They were shifty and crazy people. They once brought in an old beat up UPS van and shredded up the body to sell all the aluminum paneling and left the frame and everything else behind, making a big mess. My boss and the rest of the repair shop owners didn't like them being there, but we all knew we'd get in deep shit for ratting on them. So we had to ignore a festering wound that was right on the property. The land lord didn't give a shit as long as everyone was paying their monthly rent. Looking back, the landlord probably was getting an under-the-table financial benefit from these tweakers being there. I believe they eventually got raided a short while after I stopped working there. Meth has affected me as well. My high school sweetheart was two grades younger than me when I graduated. I went off to college in a different town 300 miles away. She and I kept in touch every single day over the phone. I knew she was hanging out with sketchy people and she got expelled from school. But I was in love and denial. I come home to visit her one day and find my cash, credit cards, and cell phone missing. I canceled my credit cards, and searched far and wide for my phone. I listened to my voice mail box and found messages from meth dealers she was buying from, and from her own mother who also played into the secret of her stealing my phone. She went through rehab and turned into a born again Christian, then apologized to me for everything but the damage had been done. For that reason I've never done it and never will. It seems like it's an amazing drug that makes you feel on top of the world, but leaves you wanting more all the time.
Can't trust a tweaker. For some some reason meth tends to bring out the worst traits in people, and they tend to forget what things like "friendship", or love or "trust" actually are? Basically it tends to bring out antisocial behavior that is not very pleasant to be around. Probably a result of spamming your dopamine receptors on a daily basis ... then a lot of it I'm sure is "learned behavior" which is a lot harder to break out of than a simple chemical imbalance in the brain.
That is sad regarding your ex-gf getting caught up in it and what you went through. Speaking from my own experience with the drug which is not very extensive, but perhaps about as extensive as I really desire it to be, (Although I'd possibly indulge in certain circumstances) I personally haven't got a ton of euphoria from meth. It certainly is nowhere near the glowing euphoria I've gotten from the peaks of MDMA, LSD, Mushrooms, Mescaline, etc I realize drugs effect people differently but I found meth as what I describe as industrial. I liken it to caffeine but it's as if the mental acuity and stimulation is significantly ramped up but the leisure-ness is reduced. I can't really see myself smoking meth for the sake of smoking meth, like I can do with weed, which I suppose is a good thing.
Just trust me, the positive effects dissappear if you abuse it, and you are left the all the sides, that is psychosis, antisocial behavior, paranoia etc. But of course people always chase it, thinking smoking some more is gonna get them back to that place that is probably unobtainable now as your brain's receptors have been fucked with so much. I am an ~8 year ex-speedfreak ... i won't touch that shit again ( i hope not, god help me if i do ) Also amphetamine, is just a class of chemicals, so it will bear little resemblance to something like methamphetamine. Sympathomimetic amine, is the pharmacological class of drugs that behave like "certain" amphetamines do, as well as some drugs that may not technically be amphetamines. Also, DOM (or STP if you prefer) is a psychedelic amphetamine, one of many. It is 2,5-dimethoxy-alphamethylphenethylamine, or 2,5-dimethoxy-amphetamine, but it as far as is known it has no effect on the dopamine transporter and doesn't act as a sympathomimetic amine, rather acts on the 5ht2 receptor subunits, great psychedelic btw and MUCH better than emulators like DOB an DOC etc. Much more brilliantly colorful than LSD (though i still think i prefer L) .. DOB and such DOM analogues by contrary feel somewhat "dark" while DOM is bright and lucid.