Is Marriage Just Crap ?

Discussion in 'True Love' started by undefeated, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. YouCanTrustMe

    YouCanTrustMe Average Size Member

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    I love her more everyday.
    Driftrue likes this.
  2. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    No it means love changes. It takes more than a year to develop trust.. then become parents and deal with that.. our parenting techniques are close..can she handle me being gone to disasters as in floods for a week. Can we keep our sex life fun..? Are we alike financially so we can be stable?
    So I had to love her to marry her but as years have gone by yes I love her more now!
  3. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Marriage is whatever the people involved make of it.
    firerescue110 and Deidre like this.
  4. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    I have no clue why! All I had was gun shot to knee and thigh and we were in different areas of hospital when they group us together for flight home.. he did not remain in same area long after we returned! I heard he died!
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yeah, which means three days ago you loved her less than you do now
  6. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    While in military I traveled! I got out like most and went to work, got married! Ended up a firefighter. I work 24 on 48 off. There is action but lots of training and some down time!
    Because of military training I have certifications in dive and water rescue hence during flooding in South Carolina , Florida we recently tn we travel to those areas. When I got called back to active duty it was only to fill in till others could be trained!
    So I have only been to 8 countries but that was years ago and only one country when I went back and also years ago.. I only travel in US now and just returned from flooding in TN!
    Not a job to be envious of. Just a job to me! I love my job but you may have a super to you!
  7. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    all those courses and not a single one on ''Sarcasm''...….

    back to marriage posts please
  8. YouCanTrustMe

    YouCanTrustMe Average Size Member

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    I love her more each passing day. If it needs even more clarification... assuming you’re attempting to be humorous...
  9. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    ^ just say "yes."

    I mean, if someone told me they loved me more every day, the implication that they loved me less a week ago wouldn't hurt my feelings.
    McFuddy likes this.
  10. In reality, there are highs and lows in relationships. And I doubt that if a relationship could go on for a thousand years that it would. Right around fifty to seventy years is kind of ideal for how long you can actually stand a person. And, I mean, as you get old, it just becomes kind of habitual to be with someone, and life isn't so exciting anymore. If we could make all the old people young again, I bet there would be tons of hot chicks back on the market.
  11. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    Huh? Did I offend. If so not on purpose
  12. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    I am not humorous about topic .. maybe my way of expressing feelings is not done well.
  13. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    I am lost as to what evokes comments about a statement! Must have been from a college course on analytics on text reply and does my answer correlate with true expressions of others!
  14. 2 good forgivers
  15. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    Last reply { null and void responses} all answers should meet expectations of all readers
    Rahab likes this.
  16. Visexual

    Visexual Member

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    Most folks think my wife and I have a marriage to be envied. We've been married for almost 47 years now, never had, or wanted, children, mostly financially secure, so really no reason we needed to stay married.

    A good lady friend once asked everyone at work, sort of a poll, if they had it to do all over again, would they marry their spouse.

    I knew that all of the gals were convinced that, when it was my turn to answer, that I'd say yes.

    Well, I had time to think and decided to be honest.

    I simply replied, "no".

    Then I explained how my wife had made me decide between her and the job I loved most in my life.
  17. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    not seem like a cool dude who just cant shut up about his dangerous job is all...….dont worry brother....just some gentle internet hazing....lots of people take the opportunity to flip responses around to their own selves at every opportunity....i' just praying you have never fought a fire at Barbara streisands house :)…...
  18. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    Use the quote when I said my job was dangerous. It's just a job..want danger; try driving in this town. It's just a job but I enjoy it! Never described what a fire is really like or car extrication . My experiance are different than other firefighters. We are all different. 7 fire fighters on 1 house fire and seven different experiances. It's life!
    We spend endless hrs training on same shit as last year.
    My wife's philosophy I like. God knew the day you were born the day you would die.. I think you read it as dangerous. We was every vehicle every day. Check all equipment in 4 vehicles. We have a gym we use. The only hazard I see is do we sleep 2 hours or 6 hours and 63-83% of us get cancer. I doubt dying of cancer is dangerous!
    The time we live in is dangerous! I probably am more protected than you because I am surrounded by trained people!
  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I think this thread is now self evident given the responses of the married guys.

    You all kind of sound a little off, little bit stir crazy.

    After misspelling Walter Reed, I think you have been telling porkies
  20. firerescue110

    firerescue110 Visitor

    No. It has an e on the end. No lies.. just sharing real stuff.. most of time I am on here I am reading stuff. I am also in a recliner or bed at work and dose off when writing.
    Think whatever you want.. what I have done in life is trivial compared to many others! I do get stir crazy at work sometime! Maybe I am a little off
    I will resolve situation tommorrow!
    Untill then I will reframe from writing and just read !
    Thanks for helping keep our forum safe from irrational trash like me!
    I kinda prefer reading anyway!
    Enjoy your day!

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