Is Male Porn Use Ruining Sex?

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by shaun the, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. shaun the

    shaun the Banned

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    The Digital Free-For-All

    Since day one the online universe has been driven, at least in part, by sexual content. Digital devices currently provide erotic images and videos of every ilk imaginable to anyone who’s interested, 24/7/365. Just about anything that can turn a person on is readily available in virtually unlimited quantities—easily, instantly, and anonymously accessed. Recent statistics show that approximately 12 percent of all websites are porn-related, 25 percent of all search engine requests are sex-related, and 35 percent of all Internet downloads are pornographic, so porn is pretty darn ubiquitous. And these numbers don’t even count all the user-generated (amateur) stuff that is posted and viewed on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.
    These facts may or may not be alarming, depending on your point of view. If you’re a teenaged boy driven by adolescent hormones, this may sound just fine and thank you Internet! If, however, you’re the parent of that young man, then maybe you’re not so jazzed. And if you’re a 40-year-old man with a loving wife and two children and you’re spending hours every night looking at and masturbating to online porn instead of spending time with your family, getting needed sleep, prepping for that big presentation at work tomorrow morning, or whatever else it is that you really should be doing, then online porn may be bad news indeed. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, there is no denying that digital technology has greatly increased the accessibility, affordability, and anonymity of porn use. The million dollar question, of course, is what all this porn is doing to the people who are using it.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Without reading this and based only on the threads on this site that I view I'm going to go with a big fat YES!

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