it happens in sport. what are ways to avoid it happening in lust? are only the balls sensitive to pain or the slider too? we were standing up and he was behind me poking on my bottom cheek. it seems to not hurt him no matter how hard he pressed my cheek. and it made him go sticky so i guess it felt nice for him instead of hurting him. maybe only the balls get injured.
A groin strain is nothing to do with the sexual organs, but the tendons between the thigh & the lower hip. When you say "it made him go sticky", do you mean as being pre-ejaculation or as a result of ejaculation. If before ejaculation that was most likely simply precum (see Cowper's Secretion), which is perfectly normal. Not all men produce it (including myself), but for those that do, it's an additional treaat, as it provides a perfect natural, waster-based lubricant, as well as being very tasty (totally different to the taste of semen).
Bonita, The "slider" is nowere as sensitive to pain as the balls, it can take quite a bit of pressure, so I wouldnt be worried about that. Just the balls are extra sensitive to hits more than anything.. so playing with them ans soft squeezes are still nice
the balls are sensitive probably because the balls have baby sperms inside instead of muscle/bone. when you say 'hits' maybe leaping onto a lap could be dangerous/hit :hurray: sorry i'm not sure of the question yep that's the anotomical word for it, but sounds kind of rude if you ask me :blush5: