Is it Normal to Like Younger Guys?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Colimon, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    Kind of embarrassing that I'm not a teen anymore by a couple years, yet my last relationships were with some as young as 16-17 (it's the age of consent here). Still think it's a little wrong, but I don't care for sex right away, I'm more of a romantic type. Friends my age aren't entirely against it and I've had few problems with parents, but find it awkward at the same time (example: wouldn't be very socially acceptable to bring my date to parties, bars, venues etc. if they were underage). Although I'm not only attracted to those younger than me, I like the idea of a learning mind rich with creative thinking (not that people my age+ aren't like that). I also like helping with difficult situations like peer pressure and stuff like that. Maybe it was from being a camp councilor around that age?

    :confused:Is this normal or am I immature or messed up?:confused:
  2. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Its normal to like younger guys. The problem I find is some might not be as mature as you are, or visa versa and you could find your work cut out for you.
    Its fun to know guys younger then you are attracted to you. Just watch that you aren't just relieving his mamma of her basement dwelling couch potato to take him on your dime.
  3. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    ^This, I agree with as well.
  4. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    No, I think it's normal to want to date 60-year-old guys.
  5. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    First and foremost, you are NOT messed up.

    I'm experiencing the opposite situation of what you're experiencing, OP. I've never actually dated anyone who was exactly my age, let alone older. Needless to say, I've been called many things in my life. But it's just how it's all worked out for me. Always. My current girlfriend is 21 years younger than I am(legal where you are, where I am, and where she!), and I've never been happier even though there are things about our relationship that make it VERY challenging. Oddly enough, however, our maturity levels aren't included in those. It's not even about how "mature" each of us is. It is, at the end of the day, about how compatible you are with your partner, and how "right" you are for each other. I don't believe you can decide those things based on age. No, you decide those things based on personality. I'm going to go out on a limb and say all those things are based on FATE. Fate doesn't say you have to be with someone who is a certain age. Fate simply tells you that you need to be with someone because you just DO.

    It is wise to be careful, sure.......... But, DO believe in yourself, and don't let society alter your core self. Sounds like your intentions are quite pure. As someone who walks the same path as you, I'll say that you'll be met with opposition(Americans......sorry folks) on more than a few occasions. But as long as your intentions are good, and as long as there are those who actually understand that, you have a definite advantage.

    You're a human being, a loving one at that, who just happens to prefer men who are younger than she is. Just like I'm a loving human being who just happens to prefer girls who are younger than he is, his anti-ageist stance notwithstanding. How could THAT be messed up??

    ::The AT::
  6. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    I have had a few men younger then me interested in me. Tempted? Hell Ya. Especially because they were younger but the maturity level difference was hard to work with. Seems I like em best about 3 years older then me. It's a comfort thing for me I think. Same as when I had a married man interested in me, my boss, who said he was gonna leave her, I couldnt go the mile because I knew there would be some kind of cafuffle I couldnt deal with. And yet some could. As said above, if its right for you then dont let others get in the way.
  7. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    It's interesting where the line is drawn around the world on who can date who.
  8. Abyssinian

    Abyssinian Member

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    Ha, awesome.

    Though I've only ever dated people around my own age or a little older, (mainly out of what's around at the time) I've always found myself most attracted to guys who are 10+ years older. Hell, I watched NCIS when I was 17, think I was fantasising about Tony? Nuh uh, Gibbs all the way.

    Anyway, there's hardly a standard for normal any more. Especially not on the internet haha. Society has become so much more open and messed up that almost anything goes, so long as it's legal. There's always going to be more conservative people out there who think that dating someone so young is weird, and admittedly I couldn't do it personally. But who cares? It's legal and that's what you like, that's all that really matters. And if it helps at all, you will always find people who support you.
  9. misc1680

    misc1680 Guest

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    old buffalo always eat young grass....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    The international date line?
  11. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    :rofl: Vanilla that's great!

    And thanks for the support guys, I just come across so many conflicting opinions on this I might as well keep my own as long as I'm not cradle snatching or anything like that. Haha.
  12. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    all the women ive banged recently are 15-20 years older then me, women like the young cock, I think it works better lol
  13. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    As long as it's legal, why not?

    Not everybody's cup of tea. I enjoy sex with men 20 years younger than me sometimes. It's fun. But I wouldn't have a relationship with a person in his 20s. I wouldn't wanna spoil their youth with an old person like myself. It's just for sex.

    Guys 16, it's legal here, but I would feel wrong doing it. Around here, they're very immature at that age.
  14. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    ^^^ Wow I wish you coulda spilled some of your wisdom onto the women I slept with that were 40-45. They all wanted relationships and I made it very clear that its not realistic. You seem down to earth and understanding that a man age 25 realistically will not want to settle down with somebody whom could dam close be a parent
  15. katkin

    katkin Member

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    I think it's fine, doesn't sound like you're much older anyway! Lots of my friends have big age gaps of 10/20 years, there's always some judgement, but judgements are unavoidable no matter who ya date. I've been out with guys a few years younger and older than me, seeing a guy 8 years older than me now and doesn't seem much difference in maturity! haha
  16. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I've found myself attracted to younger guys the past year or so and it's a very uncomfortable feeling for me. It's like once you get to a certain age, it's harder to tell how old someone start feeling attracted before you even think about how old they are and then when you find out it's like...ohhh, I'm feeling kinda old.

    And I know I'm not old, but feeling attracted to someone who just turned 21 reminds me of what I was like when I was 21 and I kinda think of people around that age as babies. It's like, noooo, I can't get all hot and bothered, he's just a baby.

    It's a weird mix of emotions.
  17. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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    Sounds to me like you like being the one in charge OP or if not then you like to be with the innocent and unchallenged. The reality is yes a person at age 16-17 are going through puberty, worried about school and social acceptance and from your standpoint ripe for molding and "helping" as you put it, which is really another way of saying you can be in control and direct things and you don't feel you have that power with someone say 5+ years older.

    What you're going through right now is kind of fantasy and sure if you want to do this for a little while then so be it, but it sounds like you're trying to make life a little easier by escaping reality as well. It's sad in a way but sooner or later everyone (including you) have to grow up and face new and more difficult challenges.

    Bottom line you can ride this fantasy train for a little while if it brings you joy, but just know that it can't last long and you will have to break free of it at some point if you want anything "meaningful" in your life. Just my 2 cents
  18. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    I think maturity depends on the individual and their life experiences so far. You can have someone aged 20 with tons of experience and another at 30 with very little. Also, I think the main thing is whether two people work well together and have compatible personalities. The age gap will become less important as time goes by.

    I've always been a little immature for my age so I've been attracted to people younger than me.
  19. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    :iagree: I agree, "mature" definitely does not mean "older".

    I'm even older than Monkey Boy and I don't really have a lot of experience myself where relationships are concerned. Hell, I'm still a virgin for that matter. Am I therefore "immature"? Debatable. Maybe I am. I know I'm youthful at heart. Does that make me "immature"? I don't know. One thing I can say with certainty is that, for me at least, it's really not about control. It's really not about me being in charge. Because, simply put, I'm not.

    Wanting to help your partner get through various obstacles in life, and to generally help him/her grow in itself is not by any mean a sign that one wishes to be "in charge". Not by a long shot. It merely means you care about your partner. Those of us who are in intergenerational relationships are familiar with this very thing, mostly because we get accused of a lot of things by default such as us taking advantage of those who are of the impressionable age, and often pedophilia even. It's a tough world for those of us who are in intergenerational relationships.

    The reason why I'm with my girlfriend is purely because she and I both believe we are meant to be. It's a perfectly mutual thing and there's no "I want to control her", "I want to be in charge", or "it's just my fantasy and I want to fulfill it through her". Nothing like that at all. Okay, as for the last one, maybe I DO think in terms of "she's a dream-come-true and therefore this is the woman I want to spend my life with". But why not, right? That isn't about control. It's about finding, and wanting to be with "the one". I think that's perfectly natural.

    I still believe, like Monkey Boy, it all depends on the individual. If two people are compatible with each other, then they are compatible with each other. I don't believe age should get in their way of pursuing their joint future.

    That's what I think, anyway.
  20. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    What's the age difference between you and your girlfriend if you don't mind me asking.

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