Individual seems to believe that the perfect government is plausible to happen on purely SOCIAL grounds (of the Ethics). But there is another problem justifying failure to progress in the triads of a humanistic conscience. Any such failure for the Life within the community is followed with the appraisal that governments such as the American government have to fall back on people, or mankind failing fundamentally with material nature. We still have to push for higher and higher GDP for whether population grows or Not. Or we still have maintain a balanced budget for whether business and projects of social worth correspond for the needs of scientific improvement and incentive to just work. As a result there is difficulty realized in Individuals' (different throughout the society) by such improvements for the Life. The difficulty is in the environmental facts; ethics failing the Environment. Thus I ask anyone interested which is it? Is it higher GDP that makes Man the enemy of peace with the Environment, or is it the constant need for a balanced budget that realizes that humans have to louse up their environmental ethics: substantially return to the same original issues of air and water pollution, climate change, and errors in industrial activity. Socialists I believe think that technology and human development for technological society is that Enemy of Life on Earth.:biker: