Is it bad to tie knots at the tips of your dreadlocks?

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by Doodorz, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Doodorz

    Doodorz Guest

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    Just asking, some of my dreads are pretty fuzzy at the ends, and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do. I haven't done anything with it yet, but I'm just asking for advice. Are rubber bands okay?

    Also they're still fairly young, only four months.

    And one more question, for black hair, twists with monthly washing/retwisting CAN turn into dreadlocks right? I'm mixed so my hair is like african people hair but it's a little softer and thinner.

    My hair looks almost exactly like this but slightly shorter, and some are fuzzy at the end. They're not comb twists if that matters. I'm just a little worried about my hair, some of them look a lot thinner than others
  2. aFoolOnaHill

    aFoolOnaHill Proper Villain

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    Keep it clean and let your hair do it's thing and it will sort itself out. I recommend against tying knots or rubber banding your hair as it is perfectly capable of knotting on its own. That being said, my hair looks a lot more 'wild' than yours.
  3. Bassline514

    Bassline514 Member

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    I'd say let them be for now. They're just 4 months so they're still gonna change a lot, you might not even need to do that in the end if you get lucky.
  4. whispered-dream

    whispered-dream Guest

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    I went through this when i started my locks and i have african type hair too. Its best to just leave them and let them sort themselves out. When youre bored, you can take the ends of one and sort of rub it between your fingers to encourage the ends to lock up. But they will in time

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