Have hate groups been infiltrating the executive branch and the judicial branch in the good old U.S. of A? Was it initiated by a conspiracy of any hate group identifiable a time ago? Has such a conspiracy, if it is such as this one, grown to the point it is too late, and we can expect more bad news on people victims of some kind of haters hiding behind the long arm of the law? Are persons who support hate groups, or persons who are members of hate groups, selling to the like-minded, to just come and hide behind the badges or the gavels, to take out hate on the people(s) they commonly have a hatred for? I think the haters hiding behind the gavels could be the conspirators' edge, to keep as many like-minded haters that have been hiding behind badges from going to prison for their criminal actions that may resemble acts of hatred.
What do you mean by "hate groups"? When I think of hate groups, I think of so-called far right (because leftists cannot hate) groups like neo-nazi organizations -- though the Black Panthers could just as easily fit the hate group definition. I believe most hate groups are infiltrated by government agents who use these hate groups for the government to then be able to come forward with so-called hate speech legislation designed to restrict freedom of speech. But I really have no idea of what you mean by hate group as it is used in the context of this thread. The fact is the US government is infiltrated with secret society members who have anything but the public's interests in mind.
Yes, Pressed, I am pretty sure the infiltration is going on by gov. into these hate groups and not just these terrorist groups. But as the saying goes, Two can play at that. Surely there are haters by the gang taking full advantage as to where their higher learning education graduation can get them in. All they need to do is enter the right door, to do abusive things against people they have a hatred for. I don't know all of the names of hate groups, except for the typical ones that come to mind that even Hollywood capitalizes on, such as the ones which you've just named.
The movie The Star Chamber (1983) starring Michael Douglas perfectly highlights the dangers involved when men in positions of power come together to usurp authority and become Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Hotwater
everything "infiltrates" everything. this isn't so much a "conspiracy", as a simple fact of life. each individual member of anything is more then one thing. there is no one alive who isn't more then one thing.
Seems authorities hate crime. There mommies instilled values in them. I think they deny their own human qualities and it shows when they overreact. They think they know how the world shall live, just like their mommy taught them.
Why? I find identity to be a stupid game. We are all going to die and likely not change the world much. As I see it the less damage we do the better. I don't really have a vision for all the world.