Richard Dawkins invented his own nonsense word, "meme", convincing hundreds of millions of atheists, in particular, to babble complete nonsense for decades now, without anyone ever bothering to inform them. Oxford professors have a long and proud history, of inventing their own nonsense words and rhetoric, going back at least 200 years. The simple fact is, both democrats and republicans could not teach a child how to use a fucking dictionary, if their lives depended on it, and Americans are anything but unique, more like a McDonald's franchise, where you don't want to use the toilet. You can't fake professional wrestling, because its already fake. Go ahead, burn all the books you want, it still won't encourage anyone to listen to babbling idiots. I had to write a book for a fucking AI to read, because academia could not find their own ass with both hands anymore. Militant atheists have attempted to out-do conservatives at Professional Wrestling Smack Talk, inspiring no less than totalitarian communism and Fundamentalism, along with two world wars and a cold war. Of course, they demand the government they call evil, censor people like me, but the mountain of research proving they're all fucking liars and posers, has already reached critical mass, so I'm working on the math to collate ALL the data. For every lie they tell, there's a price to be paid, and collating the data shows exactly how to make militant atheists pay, for every troll they've created. Bullies are all the same, but I make them cry, and run home to mama, whose money can't save them from themselves. Call me a "mean" hippie, but bullies destroying the world abusing the stupid dictionary, just doesn't cut it anymore.
Define "HIppie"" first...........never going to be the same as the 60/70ties. I personally define it as a feeling(live and let live/mutual respect/openminded/ect)..............altough i dont think i am hippie(generation) in the sence of the original, or call myself that. But i do understand the term/feeling For current things society/current events/humanity are not the same as in the 60/70(context) outside the oldies................hippies dont excist anymore*sigh* Mzzls
Uh, we definitely do exist.....many right here. After all, this site started as - a long, long time ago.... And the word has been appropriated many times over the last few decades. That's why was started, so the world would remember the original hippies, who they were, what they did, the philosophy and lifestyle. Gee somebody should write a book about that.... Oh, somebody did???
That looks exactly the pants I borrowed to allow me inside a hospital to see a friend. I was wearing shorts, which they wouldn't allow! The jeans were filthy, and they didn't care!
In the very beginning hippies might have been a well defined thing. But as the movement continued it melted in to the larger culture, with both hippies and the larger culture influencing each other. A key issue was that hippies invented sex which led to children (who knew?) which led to jobs (uh oh!) and some degree of conformity with the larger culture. It seems the original point of the hippy movement was to influence the larger culture, and it succeeded at that.
The word "appropriation" in this context means "theft." I say, whatever the supposed appropriation is, let the owner come forward and prove ownership. Phrases such as "Hippy Dippy" are trademarked, because people hired lawyers, filed paperwork, paid fees, and followed laws to trademark them. They actually have to then go to the trouble and expense of defending their trademark against unauthorized use, or they lose it. The word "hippie" is not intellectual property. If you think it was stolen from you, and if you have evidence that you own it, you can assert and enforce your rights. The problem is that it wasn't appropriated from you because you do not own it and never did. The origin and first use of the term are unknown, but one of the earliest recorded appearances was in 1959. It's merely a concept, an idea. Lexicographers tell us how it has been used in the past. You use it your way. I'll use it mine. Anyone who claims to have exclusive rights to the use of "hippie" is lying. Anyone who claims that culture and subculture are proprietary is lying. They can't be appropriated, because they aren't owned in the first place. In true hippie spirit, they are free for the taking, available to all.
When there is no justice in or out of court, "Intellectual Property" is just a euphemism, for we own the mass media, and your ass. Almost nobody can even use a fucking dictionary, complaining they are "stealing" words, when nobody ever shares their words, is a redundant oxymoron.
It aint that the words may be stolen. The lifestyle only when convenient is copycatted. Otherwise its business as usual meaning yuppie, or redneck etc. Whom normally wouldnt give 2shits. Yeh i may be generalizing.