Is hate ever justified?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by PoeticPeacenik, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    Is hate ever justified? The hippie lifestyle is supposed to be based on peace and love, and a "love everyone" attitude. But I've seen hippies saying how they hate Trump/Republicans and I've seen hippies saying how they hated Bush. So does the "love everyone" attitude doesnt literally mean "everyone"??

    If someone mistreats you or abuses you physically or verbally, is it okay to hate them too or is that not a reason to hate someone? (I'm asking that because of some personal stuff, which was my reason for posting this thread in the first place).

    I guess I should ask WHEN, if ever, is hate justified?

    By the way, I didn't know what category to post this in, so I posted it here. I apologize if this is the wrong category.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  2. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Without being political, no hate is justified.

    I have hate for cruelty, but that is a natural reaction I suppose.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  3. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    I wasn't trying to be political either. ❤ I was just using Trump and Bush as examples because that's what I've read.

    So does the "love everyone" attitude literally means "everyone"?

    I asked some hippies on Facebook for some advice regarding the subject and they told me to practice apathy, which is neither love nor hate, if I ever feel hatred for someone who has done me wrong.
    ZenKarma and Candy Gal like this.
  4. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I think it is appropriate to hate Republicans; because, after all, they hate every poor Americans and wish to harm them by denying government funded healthcare. You see, these conservative hypocrites say they support "life" but at the same time wish to see poor Americans freezing, starving, and dying on the sidewalks.
    scratcho and ZenKarma like this.
  5. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    I am a UK member so I best stay out of your politics.
    No, you cannot love everyone, that is impossible.

    I was thinking of starting a thread with a quiz on this - Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for the happiness of other human beings or animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual.

    It is a subject worthy of debate.
    What do you think?
    scratcho and ZenKarma like this.
  6. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    So "love everyone" doesnt mean "everyone"?

    Does that mean it's also justified to hate someone who has mistreated or abused you?
    ZenKarma likes this.
  7. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    I'm not sure what to think. I haven't done a lot of research on altruism. It's something I should read more about. ❤

    Edit: I just googled altruism. I like the idea of it. ❤
    ZenKarma likes this.
  8. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I don't think hate is justified. I was always always taught first and foremost, love thy neighbor and that hate is wrong. You don't have to like everyone, but mistreating someone you don't like is inexcusable.

    Peace & Love were a little before my time - I was born in 1980... But toward the turn of the millennium I adopted the PLUR (peace love unity and respect) philosophy and really took it to heart. I feel like it's a modern hip-ethos that lends itself to a more humanity-oriented reality and lifestyle.

    I think the best policy is non-violence and pacifism. You shouldn't fight, never violence, and always turn the other cheek. That's my mantra. With personal conflict or personality clashes, it's best to find a way out or around rather than contribute to the discord. The downside is fatigue - you tire of shouldering the burden of walking away/finding resolve. But in the long run there is less strife in life and the world when someone is a non-violent pacifist avoiding conflict and passionate about human kindness/humanitarianism.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  9. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    I wasnt talking about mistreating someone you dont like. I was asking if hate is justified if someone mistreats or abuses you. Like if it's okay to hate your abuser.
    Candy Gal likes this.
  10. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Sorry to but in.
    There is no excuse for abuse.
    This is a tricky one.
    Only time can heal.
    Sorry for your pain.
  11. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    It was verbal and emotional, not physical.

    And it's okay. No need to apologize. ❤
    Candy Gal likes this.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well you don't NEED hate, to justify censoring someone behaving harmfully or the harm that they cause.
    emotions are a natural part of life, they happen, but they also come and go, and it is never wise to trust them.

    so its not a question of justification. emotions happen. and there's no point in beating ourselves ether because the do.
    just be very careful to avoid acting them out (by your self). as a community, we can and do create institutions for dealing with problems like this. or trying to.

    it is, yes, justified, to discourage harmful behavior. but again, this takes a collective cooler headed effort, to do in a way that is useful and effective.
    abuse itself is driven by emotion, so it achieves nothing to perpetuate this.
    PoeticPeacenik likes this.
  13. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Then that can be easily dealt with.
    Use reverse psychology.
    Do read up on my recommendations.
    You will be enlightened. X
    PoeticPeacenik likes this.
  14. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I didn't say "everyone" ....... you did. I just recognized the Republican trollism.
    themnax likes this.
  15. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    What Republican trollism? I was just using that as examples because of what I've read. I actually dont identify as Republican or Democrat, left or right.

    Oh, I didnt say you said "everyone". That's not what I meant. ❤ I was just under the impression that hippies believed in a "love everyone" mindset.

    The purpose for my question is because I struggle with hatred for certain people who have done me wrong and I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to deal with it. And I was trying to confirm whether or not hatred is actually justified under some circumstances.

    I wasn't trying to troll anyone and I apologize if it came off that way. :) ❤ ☮ ✌
    scratcho and ZenKarma like this.
  16. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh hon you are not trolling at all.
    I am trying to heal you. X
    PoeticPeacenik likes this.
  17. PoeticPeacenik

    PoeticPeacenik Read my bio ❤ ✌

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    I think the other person thinks I was because he said he recognized Republican trollism, probably because I mentioned Trump and Bush. But I was only mentioning them as examples. I dont blame him for thinking that and I'm not mad at that person. Theres a lot of trolls on the internet. I just hope my explanation helped clarify a little to anyone who may have misunderstood my post. ❤ ☮ ✌ :)
    ZenKarma and Candy Gal like this.
  18. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    I am watching over you. X

    You are simply searching for answers.
    Words can hurt.
    But please don't let them change you.
    You are better than that.
    PoeticPeacenik and ZenKarma like this.
  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    some people try to justify everything as being about personality when its really about how it affects the kind of world we have to live in and how we experience living in it.
    that's where the politics thing came in because that's something, kind of a standard ploy of what pretends to conserve, which is really just a very thin smoke screen for hating logic.
    and some of us, it is that very ploy we recognize having been pshycologically abused by.
    so when we see someone recognizing something wrong, it is not the logical conclusion to assume its about personality.
    Candy Gal and Scottishdk like this.
  20. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    This is a great discussion and totally the right place for it!

    I love all people. I love all creatures, the planet, and all the plants and life here on Earth.

    That being said there is evil in the world that can not be denied. It is a human invention not found in nature. Perhaps it has something to do with basic defense mechanisms in our genetic makeup, like flee or fight.

    While I do try to be altruistic, there are situations where someone acting out of blind ignorance, ego or jealousy attacks another. Whatever the reason or situation we end up hating that person or group.

    At times I can not control that. I don't know anyone who can truly say they have never disliked or hated someone because of their actions.
    scratcho, Candy Gal and Scottishdk like this.

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