This is just a thoughtful mental exercise. But an interesting one, I you'll agree. But I don't know if any of you are familiar with the simulated reality theory. It's actually a somewhat mainstream theory. Some people believe that all of this is an elaborate dream or simulation, on a computer on some distant planet. So therefore were all living in one man's simulation. I sometimes wonder if everyone is just living in my situation. Obviously not. But I think we've all felt that way sometimes. But as I said once before, if it's some little punk ass kid, I hope his parents kick the crap out of him, even though I am skeptical of corporal punishment and abhor violence of any kind. But that last one brings up an interesting question. What about the dilemma of evil then? Would said-kid's society even allow him to do it? And if so, how and why? So then, is evil and human suffering just an illusion? Or is it not? But evil is sometimes a "necessary evil" if you will. So is only some of it an illusion? And can we ever know? Will we ever know? Thoughts?
Not an illusion. Evil is named after Eve - the female who caused God's souls to become trapped in earth reality, where pain is our condition rather than the painlessness of paradise (Eden). Jesus referred to earth experience as "evil". We weren't supposed to inhabit the earth realm, but Eve was tempted to try it and in turn convinced Adam to go along. Adam was the first simp - and we have had a rough existence ever since.
"Despite all appearances, no one is truly evil; they are led astray by delusion. Think on this truth often, and you will offer more light than blame and condemnation." The Dhammawadaka
Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself: sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Jesus is not speaking of evil as a state of wrong intent or terrible transgression, or the desire for those - it is the very condition of the world itself and the necessities that are required to exist upon it which He names as evil. The earth is a prison for the soul that was intended to be in paradise. Earth life is evil. That's why we're born with "original sin". The original sin was coming here to begin with, and each time we come here, it's because we're still bearing the consequence of that sin.
Aside from simulation theory what is evil is in the eye of the beholder. Certainly there’s a collective definition if enough people agree but consensus is not the same thing as truth There’s actually some interesting logic behind Bostrom’s theories, not just philosophy or thought experiment, that do make a compelling argument. I’m not sure I believe this is a simulation but I am sure it is possible
productivity is honorable generosity is saintly morality is consideration, universal consideration, and the only evil there is, is the lack of it. (and that is the only thing wrong with this or any world) not because of what any book or belief says, but because every anxiety and nearly every unpleasantness in life, begins with someone choosing to be aggressively inconsiderate. one thing it for sure is not, is any sort of identity. it is a choice, and by being a choice, no one need to keep shaming themselves by doing so. if there is one thing that deserves to be shamed, aggressive inconsiderateness is that one thing. it is the absence of good, in the same way cold is the absence of heat. so its not that it doesn't or can't exist, in the same way that we can feel cold, but it is that absence of a thing rather than a thing having an independent existence itself. at any rate, blame is the wrong direction to focus, and i get anger issues like anyone else, but for those of us, and i wish it were everyone, who wish to live in a world without anxiety, or at least minimizing it, and without hampering diversity and creativity by doing so, and without trashing the environment, which is an inconsiderate thing itself, we simply need to focus the other way, on expanding our sphere of consideration further and further toward that of universality.
' Fraid not. The similarity in sound is a coincidence. Evil may sound like Eve, but has Indo-European/Germanic roots. Eeuel (Frisian/Sazon) became yfel (old English): bad treatment. Eve comes from Hebrew, a Semitic language--originally hawwa life giver), which became Εύα (Heua) in Greek and Eva in Latin.