What's the difference between being a drug dealer and working at McDonald's, serving 600-calorie Big Macs to the obese?
Someone eats a burger they get fat!they have the choice, to sit on their ass, or run around the block! Buy drugs from a dealer..they cheat, steal ruin families, yeah, there is a difference...
I dont really see anything wrong with dealing weed grown in the us of a But dealing harder shit that comes from the cartels definitely ventures into some murky moral territory. But I also think the majority of corporations are immoral too, so.
I have a problem with people who stand on a box and spout the "moral high ground". Like on most occasions, everything we do in this world as an adult, we choose to do it. There are exceptions, yes, but on the whole it is our choice. It smacks of diverting the blame on to someone else for ones own failings. The, 'they made me do it", just doesn't role with me. If only people would stop blaming others for their own, often weak, choices.
actually kinda lame comparison. most folks who work at McD's do so out of necessity, not so they can stuff food down the gullets of the obese. I'm also assuming you envision the drug dealer from 1950's grade school films in which the evil dealer gives the young girl a free joint and next scene she is all strung out on heroin while the greedy dealer wrings his hands at another victory. Trying to figure out where your moralities come into play.....are you implying that drug dealers are by nature immoral characters? What about the South American farmer who can grow food crops for $3 a year or grow coca for $3000 a year? Is he being immoral because he is supporting his family? What about the 12 year old stuck in the projects who sells on the corner to get food $$ and keep from getting his ass beaten or killed? is he being immoral because he is managing to survive in such an environment? Why is TheSamantha so obsessed lately over questions of morals and morality? ps. it is usually a good idea if the title of the thread and original post actually sound as if they are related....... your title question hasn't really anything to do with your OP question. *sigh* reaping the rewards of a half-assed educational system again.......*sigh*
I think forcing people to take drugs is wrong, but at the end of the day we all make the choice to do what we do. Take what I do for a living, is that morally wrong? Who decides what morally correct is? I'm not responsible for the actions of those clients, they are. They are also responsible for the outcome of their actions, just like I am for all of mine. I will never blame anyone for what happens to me if I decided to do what I do now and in the future. On another subject, there are things that happened in my past where one might say you had no choice in the matter Jennifer. Well, if I'm honest with myself and I take a long hard look, then I did have a choice, but I chose not to do anything about it.
It might be, it might not be. Depends on what your morals dictate. There are many types of dealers, who act for a lot of different reasons, as NoxiousGas pointed out. Personally, I would have ethical issues selling non life-preserving drugs to someone that I knew was an addict. Ultimately, individuals are responsible for their actions, but addiction can do funny things to the brain. So how much in control are they? 100% or less? And if it came down to dealing for my livelihood, or to support a family, I'm sure I could justify it, at least to myself. What else matters?
I started working as an escort in Europe at the end of last year after quitting my career. Morally wrong? Who decides?
i guess it depends on your definition of "morality." the first definition to by offered by google is "a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society." by that definition, it could be decided either by you, me, or society as a whole. i say prostitution is not morally wrong. i'm honestly not sure what society says; i guess someone would have to take a pretty extensive poll to find out definitively. most other definitions i see on a quick search are similar to the one above, but leave out the part specifying who holds the system of values. so by those definitions, the answer is not really offered, probably because nobody really knows exactly what the answer is supposed to be. i like the first definition, where it at least gives some options.
I pretty much know what I am getting at McD's. Lot's of small drug peddlers work there too. But ya a lot of dealers don't even know exactly what they have and are selling. Pills are't always what ya thought, weed could be tainted with pestacides or who know what else. People just don't have standards very high. If they grew it or made it they should know more. Solvent residue and all sorts of methods are good to know.
*sigh* speak for yourself. In another thread you said "your" instead of "you're" *sigh* I was implying the same thing you were: that drug dealing is NOT immoral, not that selling Big Macs is. SMH.