Something I wondered even before he won. Is Donald Trump just a fictional character? He appears on TV, often as a character. He even once attacked a guy in a pro wrestling match. And I am sorry if you don't realize this. But pro wrestling is as fake as LaToya Jackson's nose. My only concern: Who put him there? The media? The military industrial complex? The Reptillians? And now he is the most powerful man on earth. What is he going to do now? And more to the point, what are the people who secretly control him going to make him do? I trust I am not the only person who noticed this, and wonders these things. :guitarist:
Money put him in office just like every other president and he happened to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Without money even professional wrestling is going nowhere.
He's a real person and his ego is really that big. It's not that different from many other dictators he has a textbook case of narcissism. He's not a "dictator" yet but the way he just does not grasp how any law or person should be able to say or do anything that personally offends him or does not acknowledge him as great is what a dictator does. Most narcissists seek positions of power and authority and they can not stand for even one person to dislike them because how could you because I am me? Most people in pro wrestling are normal people but they act out a role of a crazy character to be entertaining. Trump was able to be himself when he was in WWE that says a lot.
Of course he is a fictional character, just like all presidents are. They are as fictional as movie characters in that they are all actors fulfilling a role. They are just a face for the public to believe is in control. The people who put him there are the same people who put all the other presidents in that position... the hidden hand behind the establishment that pulls the strings of these puppets. Does anyone really believe Trump would be in the position he is if the people behind the scenes did not want him there? Was Obama any less of a fictional character? Not in my opinion. He said a lot of things people wanted to hear initially, then turned his back on almost every single one of those things. It won't be any different under Trump. The guy promises a lot, but will surely deliver little. At least not in the way of anything good.
we are all to some degree fictional characters we see ourselves as in our own mind. some people adamantly refuse to consider how they see themselves might not be what anyone else sees looking at them. not everyone who has this problem does evil things. but some of the people throughout history, who have done the most evil things, have been people who have it. this donald trump certainly appears to be one of them. is it possible there's no actual person there? this is like we're all in some kind of matrix synthetic experience. that would be like trying to inflate a sieve. there are just too many holes for it to leak out of. for someone who only observed through controlled channels, like if they only believed what they saw on tv, then for them, such an illusion could be created, but for everyone else, what we see is not an empty bubble with illusions projected on to it, but a very similar bubble, surrounding a naked emporor.