Like that evil bitch Thatcher before him, it seems that every company Boris visits, subsequently 'goes bust' !!!
This is idiotic Because Boris visited the plant this one time, you are trying to make out thats why it went bust????
Absolutely !!! - that evil bitch Thatcher did the same, every factory or office she visited subsequently closed or went 'bust'. Johnson has only been in the job a matter of weeks, so we'll see if he continues as PM to see if other factories or companies do likewise.
Maybe we could have a Bojo 'score card' thread instead of having a dozen different ones criticizing the same dude.
Just like that evil bitchg Thatcher before him, every factory and plant she visited subsequently closed or went 'bust'. Boris has only been in the job a few weeks, so if he remains PM (something I seriously doubt) we'll see if other places he has or visits in the futiure also close.