Are you retired and are just as horny as you ever were? The wife said she was finished with Sex which left me on my own, Sexually. Jerking off, just didn't cut it. Cheating isn't my style. Couldn't afford it, didn't have the time to put into it. Who is out there looking for a horny old guy, except for another horny old guy. Was Bi, a choice for you. My wife gave me the choice to try it, with her approval. So far ,so good. It seems to work for all parties involved. Did anyone have similar choices?
Does your wife at least hold your hand or cuddle you while you masturbate or something similar? That would give me a lot more satisfaction, then being alone. I can't keep up with my current gf, but a previous gf was not much for sex, tried once with her holding me and that was great, but still didn't work for her, we broke up for many reasons of course lack of intimacy was a factor.
Oh, dear, I think I'm at least as horny as I ever was, but my wife, too, is past the age for lovemaking. I do think it would be cheating to have sex with a man in reality--but, in my opinion, not in fantasy. True, fantasy sex with a man does strongly suggest masturbation as a form of release--but I think it's the best I can do. I also,get satisfaction out of writing steamy shemale romance novels!
My wife has been losing interest in sex for the last five years. It is now pretty much non existent. I buried myself in various forums and enjoyed my nude lifestyle we have had for years. I was missing sex. A friend whose wife too is losing her want for sex. We found ourselves both acting on our building curious of same gender sex as weve been aging. We both wish our wives knew and accept our new exploring and wish it would spark them into participating but we both know that's impossible.
Our wives approve and would like to watch together. My wife has been with the program for a while, but my lifelong best friend is in the same boat and he told me that she made similar suggestions to him. When he told me, the gears started turning.It might happen if I can get my wife to agree to a showing. Funny how they no longer want sex, but want to see us being Bi.
I think I may have seen some of this at nude locations. Older males showing sexual interest in other males, period. But maybe they were simply gay or bi. I can't be sure they were married. They just seemed married, if that makes any sense.
My bisexuality began around age 30...but I do agree that as men age into retirement age they do become more curious about having sex with another man.
Until our wives couldn't or wouldn't have sex anymore, we never thought of it as an option. If I had a choice, pussy would be # 1, but I didn't have a choice. I could still get laid tonight, if I wanted to cheat, but I don't. My wife even suggested Bi fun with our gay friend. We could get our rocks off and move on. We helped each other out many times, most with my wife in attendance . Doing bi stuff with our friend was fun, acceptable and fun for my wife too. Bi play was not a big deal anymore. It was survival of the fittest, Do whatever worked. A no hastle, no strings blowjob, while my wife would hold my hand was OK in my book. He left and my old friend showed in the same boat. His wife gave him similar options . Last weekend we did it as they both watched. I could live with that. Its adapting to situations and the acceptable alternative. Go with the flow
At one nude location, a quiet-spoken, well-mannered individual asked if I was available to do what his wife no longer wanted to do.
It seems to be a very common scenario where the wife looses interest in sex and the man is left to figure things out on his own. Most wife’s aren’t as accommodating as some of the stories here. I don't see that a couple of guys helping each other out is as potentially destructive to the marriage as an affair with a woman can be. Most men are able to compartmentalize sex away from romance and love. It simply is a sexual release.
That's pretty much how my wife see's it. I told her of my bisexuality very early during dating and she's accepted it. Our sex life is great, but she also knows I need our boyfriends cock too which she is very accepting towards for me and for herself on occasion when she and/or his wife joins the two of us. He and I have been sucking each other off regularly for 10 years and they both know that is never going to stop. Our wives love the situation knowing that we each have someone they know and trust to satisfy our sexual cravings when they are either unavailable or just simply not really up to it because our sex drive's are still in demand. All four of us know that when ever he or I desire a blowjob there are three people available to provide at almost any given time.
My mate was the most marvelous lover I've ever known, until the accident 2 years ago. She wants me to find someone, not as a third party, but as a replacement, so she can suicide in peace.
So you can keep her alive by failing to find a replacement for her? I'd recommend some suicide prevention of that kind on your part. People in pain may imagine they're going to be better off if they bump themselves off, but it's obviously just wishful thinking. Suffering people can attain peace without throwing away the gift of life; this can be known from factual accounts. There's no evidence (to say the least) that anyone can attain peace by means of throwing away the gift of life.
I love her and am loyal to her; I'm not looking for a "replacement" (nobody can replace her). Her doctor and I agree; if she decides to die, it will not be some half-assed gesture or plea for help; it will probably come without warning and with high lethality. I can't "keep her alive"; ultimately, she will do whatever she decides to do. All I can do is love her. As for judging people contemplating euthanasia due to chronic pain, illness, and disability, that's not my job. Or yours.
That's well said. But actually, if she told you she could commit suicide in peace if you found a replacement for her but not if you didn't, it sounds as if you could help her decide to stay alive--perhaps until she realizes that suicide isn't such a promising way to try to find peace. Far be it from me to judge people in such a situation, for which I have neither the authority nor the ability. But if they have any interest in finding out whether suicide will really solve their problems, and any interest in what I (among many others) have to say in the negative, I'm going to say I don't believe it will. If they're really interested, I might even explain why I don't believe it will. Fair enough?
We were rear-ended at a standing stop by an SUV >60 MPH; then a secondary frontal impact into the embankment (idiot was apparently fiddling with her cell phone). She suffered a TBI; I recovered, she not only didn't recover, she got progressively worse. The trauma apparently triggered something like systemic Lupus, from which she suffers greatly.
I am in the same arena except for one thing. I don't wish to like men of any age sexually. Nor a cock other than my own as something to play with. My option is a firm choice for women. My spouse can't have sex anymore. It's just not happening. Using sex workers is a viable, albeit illegal in most places, option that I also choose to use. I like that I can meet up with one, be pampered and brought to orgasm, and then be on my way without any emotions other than memories of what a good time I had. As far as using another man to release your sexual tension I agree it is a viable option. I find nothing wrong with men interacting sexually if that is what they feel like doing.
That sounds delightful in some ways, but not so delightful in terms of economy, efficiency, and possibly legality. (Let me tell you, you do not want to be involved in even a misdemeanor criminal proceeding if you can possibly avoid it!) My own view, for what it's worth, is that fantasy and masturbation (if needed) are the most logical choice for seniors in a similar situation. My own fantasies are about me as a shemale making love with men, but it would be the same in principle if I had fantasies about me as a manly man making love with women. Fantasy and masturbation were the origin of my sex life long ago, and it seems fitting to return to them. It's also cheap, easy, and legal!