Feminists will not mind when you do not wish to open doors and pay the check WHEN: They are no longer paid 75 cents for every dollar a man makes even when they have the same education level, experience, and work just as hard. Cleaning products are no longer marketed to women on TV. Men start worrying about trying to "balance raising children and a career." Viagra is no longer covered on insurance, and birth control is. We don't constantly see ugly fat men paired with attractive thin women in sitcoms (Drew Carey Show, Family Guy, Simpsons, ect ect.) Women are EITHER expected to be less attractive and spend less time trying to be beautiful OR men are expected to be more attractive and spend more time trying to be beautiful. Women are no longer called bitches when they sound too intelligent or when they refuse to put out. When women are no longer called sluts when they do put out, OR men are ALSO called sluts when they put out. Young boys are given baby dolls and pretend ovens along with their GI Joes and toy guns. Young girls are given lego sets and science kits along with their barbies. Women who want to go to the front lines of battle are allowed to go instead of being mollycoddled at the back. Men stop calling weak individuals "pussies" (a female sex organ smaller than a lemon but which can withstand having a watermelon-sized baby shoved through it, and which is extraordinarily strong and resilient) and stop saying that brave, strong people "have balls" (a male sex organ which is extraordinarily weak when even lightly tapped.) EITHER men don't grimace and scream and gag when a tampon is mentioned in their presence, OR men stop talking about taking a shit, farting, dick cheese, and jacking off in the presence of women. One man comparing another man to a woman is not a grave insult. Men stop complaining about so-called "reverse sexism" when what's really beginning to happen is equality. When we see as many naked men used to sell things as we do naked women. Male comedians stop doing the tired "women are complicated" "women get upset for no reason" "women remember everything" bit. There are as many women CEOs and top political figures as there are male ones. The *number one* cause of death among pregnant women is not the father of her child beating her. When it's no longer legal to create or sell pornography showing a woman being violently raped. Women are not called dykes, butch, man-haters, or femi-nazis for having the gall to have a problem with all this. So basically, when hell freezes over, you can stop opening the doors for us. Until then, you can stand to do that simple little nicety. It makes our lives ever-so-slightly more bearable, and it's the least you owe us. We'll take the responsibilities when you give us the rights. John: "I'm a feminist, because I'm a real man." by Lick_it_bitch http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=feminist&page=4
Ever seen what happens when its an office full of mostly woman and a woman is placed as their superior Theres your answer, stop blaming guys, woman are very good at pretending they get on, but women dont get on with each other
Is being a gold digger morally acceptable for women? Seems to depend on the person. Not sure how the content of the OP relates exactly to the thread question. If it is about the stuff in the original post I would have given the thread a different title
When I got to the part about calling a body part a "pussy" and then talking about pushing out something "watermelon sized" I said good grief that's all I need to read. I thought it would have something to do with the title. stupid me I know a significant number of women gold diggers and some men also. For the very most part neither ever act like they are anything but exactly what they are.
i'm a man and i'm a gold digger.....also..not sure where op lives but that synopsis is regional because much of the world is still controlled by men where women have less ability to dig for gold
Samantha--- Your OP is interesting. I don't find that guys make a point to open doors for women too much around here, but that could be regional. I hold the door open for the person behind me, and expect the same from the person in front. As for the gold-digger question...if the definition is: "Gold digger is a person (usually female) who cultivates a personal relationship (e.g. as a kept woman) in order to attain money." If there is consent by both parities, then this sort of relationship is fair game. If the woman is deceiving the man into thinking her feelings are genuine, then it's questionably moral. But, there is some burden on the guy to be aware of what it going on.
Which is why I strive to keep the money rolling (and no, not by spending it on jewelry for the misses)
I have been and forever will be a miner for a heart of gold.....I could give two shits about the gold in your pocket really. I can pull rabbits out of hats, if I have to, and never depend on that really. yeah, never did get my priorities right, it seems....from what i observe....sometimes. Life could be easier if I had zillions of dollars. i keep getting asked when I am going to write that novel.
I have written it...and always am...just not good at the business part of things....I am not good at selling myself....cannot have everything, i guess.
best anti feminist argument ever- allow men to fight you. still think there is equality? its against natural order. equality and "better" are not the same thing. we are both good and bad at stuff but we damn sure are not equal. as for gold diggers, its ok as long as the diggie knows. obviously a 90yr old man dont care about paying for a 20 year old
For those who were confused by the thread title: No I didn't write that. The link is below. It's from the Urban Dictionary under "Feminist." I did come up with the thread title. The connection is that since women are not on an equal footing in society, men should still have to foot the bill. (Or should they?) If we're still outmoded, we're still outmoded across the board. If gender roles are still acceptable, they're still acceptable across the board.
Take women out of the argument Guys will do it too White, taller than everyone else, still has all hair...and theyll end up more often than average get put in charge You could pull similar figures for bald men only getting 70/85% of what their fully folliculed counterparts do
Pussy=Weakling is a slang derivative of the word Pusillanimous, which means showing a lack of courage or determination. But I'm not sure how Pussy became another word for vagina.
An unshaven pussy looks a little like a cat's head, with no eyes. Also, women fight like cats. No rules, just win at any cost.
It is not abnormal for women to move up the ladder when dating, it is often called hypergamy, though I do not know that one could honestly call that gold digging or not, as it is not unreasonable when a woman with kids wants a stable man to settle down with. To me gold digging is only dating someone simply because they are well off and trying to take advantage of them, solely for her gain alone, monetarily to be specific. Certain men do the same thing sometimes, but it's more taboo and frowned upon when it occurs, atleast from my experience.