On internet, I encountered a lot of people calling 30 as middle age. I dont think 30 is middle age. Even when I was 17 year old, I was seeing 30 as a young age. I still think the same way about 30, being at the age of 30.
Its all relative and personal perspective. A 12 year old might think 30 is old. A 60 year old thinks 30 is young. It also depends on the situation. 30 is too old to play on a sports team for 10 year olds but too young too retire.
When I was 12, I still thought that I was too old to waste my time kicking a ball around a field. Now at 71, I think that I am far too young to retire and sit in an armchair. Perhaps I should find that ball again and give everyone a good laugh.
30 is a baby...I'm 82 and will NOT call myself old...older yes, but I've kept myself YOUNG with 30 yrs of taking supplements to keep me from grossly aging....and being sickly which I am NOT....
If 30 is middle age, does that mean that three score years and ten no longer counts??? (well I guess that'll be Covid for you)
I would say you don't know what your middle age is until its all over! If you kick the bucket at 30 middle age is 15. If you live to 110 middle age is 55.
I have always relied on natural everyday exercise, such as walking to the town rather than using the car, using the stairs rather than the lift and the distance up to the control rooms of a theater kept me as thin as a rake, particularly when dragging 50kg of films up the stairs. The thing that always made me laugh just thinking about it, was the day that one of my friends was getting into a strop because his wife would not be home with the car in time for him to drive to his booked gym session. The gym was less than 10 minutes walk from his home. He just could not understand why I was laughing.
I thought it was a term between young and old. Considering 18 is starting the adultness. At 30, you've been adult for 12 years. That does not look middle age to me. Still young. I don't see football players who give up at 30 because they are no longer young.
"What is a young age?" you ask. I find it reasonable to say that any age below the average for the population is young. You pick the average (mean, median, or mode); you pick the population (city, country, or world). The median age of the population of the country in which I live is between 37 and 38 years old. Consequently, If you're 37 or younger, you're arguably young. If you're 38 or older, you're arguably not young. If you find a better guide, or if you live in a place with a much older or much younger population, use that.
For example, all my hair is black. I cannot see any white in it. I am talking physically. Do you see any football players give up football at 30 because they are no longer young? But they give up football in late 30s.
Genetics, diet and how you take care of yourself all play a part in that. I have a friend who started started going gray in his late teens. His entire head was white by the time he turned 30. He's healthy as a horse at 64. What about the guy who starts losing his hair in his 20's? Is he physically older than the guy who does not? There are American football played who have played into their 40's - of course they are the exception but it has been done. Are they any "younger" than the guy who's career is over at 25?
I am living a super unhealthy life myself but I am still too healthy at 30. I am unable to damage my health because of my youth for the time being. Sickness will come after I get older. Losing hair is totally genetic. My grandfathers have just about all their hairs on their heads in their 80s. My friend started losing his hair at like 14, I believe ( he is the kind of male who is the most bald type). But color of hair is kinda associated with age but sure there is genetic factors as well. Some might have it very early. However, I haven't seen a man in his 50s who has no white in his hair. Have as good genetic as it can be, people will see whites in your hair in your 40s. Dont even go to 50s.