Greetings from across the pond. I am an American and my heritage is mixed, but when people tell me what my features look like what I am told the most is that I look Irish or Scottish. This would make sense because I have both Irish and Scottish heritage. Is there a general look or features that Irish and Scottish people are known to have? Thanks for your insights.
Out of those pictures I think I look the most like the Irishman and the white American, which I guess makes sense.
Well, there you go. There is another version of this floating around somewhere on the internet. Out of the pics on it, my features match most closely with the Brazilian woman. That makes no sense to me since my heritage is English, Scottish, and Irish. My skin color is "white" but my eyes, wide-ish nose, thick-ish lips, and dark-ish hair match up best with the Brazilian beauty. I can't figure it out.
You've got me thinking about this again. My paternal grandfather had a wide nose and so did my maternal great grandmother; both English/Irish/Scottish heritage. I don't where that nose came from on each side. This is several years ago but it's a good example of what I mean about my nose. Neither of my parents had my nose, and neither of my children have my nose. This is my paternal grandparents. This is my maternal great grandmother.
Aerianne, have you ever considered the possibility that you might have some distant African American heritage? Maybe you should have your DNA tested.
I have a friend whose facial features are actually very similar to yours and she is descended from the Hopi tribe
My son says he is having his done this Fall. I can't wait. Once, a black woman came into my work and swore that I could pass for black. I told her I didn't have any knowledge of African American in my ancestry but that you never know who is hiding in the wood pile because people didn't tell things like that back then. That's interesting! I have one note on my great grandmother's mother that says she was believed to be Cherokee but then when I trace her parents, it's back to Europe again.
The welsh chick actually looks remarkably like my mom and sister, and me to a lesser extent but i have my dad's jaw line. We are welsh and english on my mom's side, scottish on my dad's.
I'm digging Mr. Serbia myself, is that what the menfolk look like in your cornern of the world, piaf?
I find it interesting the facial commonalities of people from different regions of the UK and the world. My favourite world face is the Scandinavian face. I think the UK must have a complex facial gene pool, owing to it's rich history of migration. But maybe that's because I've levied here most of my life, and lived in about 8 different parts of the island north and south.
Yeah, they look like Switzerland-Italy-Serbia xD And Serbians tend to be much more good looking than us Croatians. Both males and females.
His face is a bit boring xD xD Cute though.[/quote] I can see that, he does look a bit like he should do cologne or shaving cream commercials, like he's just a little too symetrical. I agree about Iran too. Iran produces some of the most beautiful people in the world imo
Yup, beautiful people. Too bad the theory about Croatians originating from Iran has pretty much been debunked xD Anyways, Iran is definitely on my list of places to go to.