iraq elections..

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Megara, Jan 30, 2005.

  1. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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    OH by the way the U.N declared the occupation illegal and every major country on the planet has denounced it. Yeh..I and Bush are right and the whole planet is wrong
  2. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    Well, conclude what you want about the occupation, support it or oppose it, but it is legal. That's what UN Security Council Resolution 1511 says. I can back up what I say, so show me when the UN declared the occupation illegal - go on, show me.

    Furthermore, the UN has been DIRECTLY INVOLVED in the elections, and again, 1511 specifically refers to the creation of a new constitution and government. The UN security council is what makes it legal, not Gonzales. Can't you contextualise facts according to verifiable geo-political reality? And if the UNSC is OK with the elections then Lick you and your communist buddies can go cry me a river.
  3. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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    You're a blind retard..just like only see what you want.. The whole fuking planet knows the occupation is illegal. What the hell are you high on?
  4. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    So the second world war was ilegal.. ?? If this is true you should shout it from the rooftops.. so we can all have a wonderful debate about how wrong the second world war was..
  5. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    Are you implying that the German invasion was legal? That is was right?
  6. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    Try reading the statement again matthew, maybe a lengthier reflection might improve your comprehension.
  7. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    You said the UN declared the occupation illegal. So are you going to back that up or what?
  8. showmet

    showmet olen tomppeli

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    Actually (correct me if I'm wrong), I have a feeling that Germany's actions were not illegal at the time. The UN Charter was of course written after (and as a consequence of) WWII and the rulings of the judges at Nuremberg which ostensibly created much of the precedent for international law in this field were applied retrospectively.
  9. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Its funny how pointbreak is from england and he thinks he can come in here and start preaching to us about how we should view our government and their actions....heres a news flash for you...we are the ones who have to deal with the ever developing police state forming in the dont, we have to deal with how the rest of the world looks at us because of this illegal and immoral action done by our government, you don't, we have to deal with innocent, good, hard working people being targeted as terrorists because they read mother jones magazine, or watch democracy now, because of the patriot act. stop trying to discredit smart people with justifiable arguments because you think that America is always right and Bush and his prison bitch, your prime minister, are actually out trying to fight terrorism and spread freedom to other countries.

    Peace and Love,
  10. Jozak

    Jozak Member

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    Please shut up and actually refute his statements instead of bitching and calling names like a little school girl. 1511, UN Resolution. They are working in the elections and the elections are legitimate. This is good news, even for people like me who were skeptical about the war to begin with. What do you want? You actually want people who are bombing red cross workers, civilians, and others to write a constitution? For what, a theocracy?
  11. Jozak

    Jozak Member

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    You fool, Pointbreak has lived in the United States and Canada prior to England.

    First off, I AM AGAINST THE PATRIOT ACT. But come on, no one is being incarcirated (as of now) simply becasue they read Mother Jones (Although I don't know why you would want to).

    You call these people, "Innocent, good, hardworking"?


    And you people glorify these types of low lives and loosers. Unreal. I am against Police brutality, but this gives peaceful protesters a bad name.
  12. Psy Fox

    Psy Fox Member

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    You want people that shoot into unarmed Iraqi protestors to write a consitition? You want people that murder unarmed Iraq protest leaders? You want people that prevent civilans from exiting a killing zone.

    The USA is a war criminal too but the difference is its the Iraqis fucking county.
  13. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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    these elections (read: installation) are illegal from the get go based clearly upon the Vienna Convention, whereby no occupying power shall interfere with the internal political or cultural makeup of the occupied state.

    Didn't you hear last year when Copeagen..the head of the U.N declared the invasion against international law?

    Bush forced this election on the Iraqi's against their will. they wanted to wait for better security. Bush invaded and runs that country and Chenney's ringing up the cash register. The whole deal's a disgrace to the U.S...we look like dam fools
  14. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    If the elections are approved by the UN security council, they are legal. That's how it works.

    The opinion of Kofi Annan does not make anything legal or illegal, he cannot and did not "declare" it to be either. He is not an emperor or a judge. He is the secretary general of the UN, and has his own opinion which is just that, an opinion. UN Security Council resolutions, on the other hand, are binding and enforceable.
    That is laughable. They risked their lives to show up and vote by the millions. They celebrated and cheered. And you're sitting at home all gloomy trying to convince yourself that they did it against their will? When Sistani specifically rejected the idea of delayed elections?
    Show me evidence that Cheney will personally gain even $1 as a result of the invasion.
  15. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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    Oh playing the old prove it game huh? well you show me the w.m.d that we went to war over and we'll go from there..and don't start selling me the we thought, they thought pitch. A responsible rational, sane leader doesn't blow countrys up on guesswork
  16. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    Prove it is a "game" is it?

    I have to back up what I say, not what George Bush or anyone else said. So are you going to back up anything you said or not?
  17. Psy Fox

    Psy Fox Member

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    The UN Security Council is still bound by Hauge and Geneva and "technically" you can charge the UNSC with war crimes but since the UN is the judge it wouldn't work very well.

    Without the invasion Halibution would have ended up like Enron since they cooked the books to point of near collapse and there was a chance Cheney could be facing jail time if he was found guilty. Yet money from the invasion prevented Haliburtion from crashing and burning thus Cheney was able to block an investigation.
  18. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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    That's what I thought..youcan't live up to your own standards......typical neocon bigot

  19. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    HTH: Its simple. I back up what I say, you (should) back up what you say. That's "my own standards" and I live up to them.

    If you have a problem with what Bush or some other third party says, take it to them. I can't be held responsible for what other people say. How "neocon bigot" comes into this remains unclear.

    Psy, I am getting bored with you making shit up as you go along. Do you think I don't know that's what you are doing? The UN Security Council takes precendence. It is the final word. The UN Charter provides, in Article 103, that in the event of a conflict between a state's obligations under an international agreement and the U.N. Charter, the obligations under the Charter shall prevail. There you have it.

    Your Halliburton story is a joke. The company could easily survive with or without Iraq contracts. The stock is trading for less than it was when Bush was elected in 2001. How does that prove Iraq saved Halliburton?
  20. Psy Fox

    Psy Fox Member

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    I said technically, 103 was not to ment to make UNSC immune to international law so in a court of law you could still charge the UNSC will breaking the UN Charter and international law.

    Because before Halliburtion was being investigated like Enron and its books were cooked like Enron yet once Halliburtion got Iraqi contracts it got a huge bust of cash flow and the investigation was called off.

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