Iq's Correlation With Religiocity, Income, And Violence

Discussion in 'Psychology and Sociology of Modern Society' started by Nerdanderthal, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Further correlation of this data has connected itself in my head. It's come to my attention that gay rights and female rights correspond quite strongly with the IQ of any given population. On this surface this looks like largely a Muslim phenomenon, but Africa has a long history of oppressing homosexuality and the gentler sex without authorization from any monotheistic religions.

    Is this picture getting any clearer?
  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, it takes time to get know someone. Here's the thing though we cannot assign a single cause to a wide variety of phenomena unless we regard the phenomena of equal value. So when you are talking about human attitudes regarding social behaviors there exists a great deal of superstition.
  3. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Why don't you try answering some of the criticism of your points raised by noxious and others instead of ignoring them? You just look like you're unable to defend your position.
  4. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Ayn Rand would be proud here today. You know, if those feckless blacks would just make more MONEY, then of course there would be no reason for "them" to be relegated to 2nd

    and /or 3rd world status. Maybe mass sterilization should be instituted before we have to tie the shoes of black people and feed them at the table like the dolts they are.

    Egalitarianism is for suckers.
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  5. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    If I'm asked a direct question I'll give a direct answer. I think I answered everything other than my "number". My IQ is between 130-150 judging by inaccurate, overly generous internet tests.

    I've always scored in the 99th percentile on testing throughout my school years. Understanding the reality of these issues requires some significant commitment to consilience, accepting the weight of the evidence from separate fields and reaching an extremely likely conclusion. The main impediment you all will encounter in your search for truth is humanity's tendency for wishful thinking. You'll do whatever mental gymnastics you have to do in order to hold on to your world view. I know exactly what that's like, that was me for years until I snapped out of it and committed to reason, evidence, logic, truth. Those words are my foundation at this point in my life.

    If I could snap my fingers and make all the races equally intelligent and socially progressive I would do it. I dated a hot black girl for a while. Best sex of my life. I would love it if we were equally intelligent and I could have kids with someone like her.
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, you are special. I think we all see that.
  7. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Why didn't Africans ever build schools or water treatment plants in the past? Why do they literally form gangs and kill gay people and "witches"? Not all of them, no but it still happens in this part of the world, while not happening in others. They are behind the curve, I think you're overestimating the ability for that gap to close. It's much easier for us to diminish our intelligence than to hyper evolve theirs.
  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Just like you said--they're dumb and should be ignored and disallowed from procreation. i get it.
  9. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I'm in a very privelidged position athletically and intellectually. I don't take credit for it, it's fortunate happenstance. It does allow me to look at reality unemotionally. If you can present reasoned arguments to me I will be helpless but to have my mind changed. Overwhelmingly what I encounter is appeal to emotion and wishful thinking. It's just not going to maximize our well being. If you're sufficiently able to connect the dots it's crystal clear.
  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    So what exactly do you propose to do with black people? Do you want consensus on how they are to be treated?
  11. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I have asked you directly at least three times if you actually read the study that the map you started this thread with came from.
    You have yet to answer that or address any of my points regarding the flaws inherit in said map and conclusions it draws.
  12. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I do know that they make fine human machinery. I'm not sure that they will agree to revisit that theory.
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  13. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    Sometimes we refute the truth because it conflicts with our beliefs
  14. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I have read IQ and the Wealth of Nations and The Bell Curve. I acknowledge that they did not do studies in every single country of the world. That would have taken their whole lives and even longer. [SIZE=13.63636302948px]I have not probed the studies in detail. [/SIZE]

    First let's admit that any scientist who wishes to diagnose any discrepancies immediately runs into charges of racism, and obstacles to objective research. There is a shit ton of white guilt and committment to egalitarianism. Thanks Nazis and Jewish controlled media.

    Second let's admit that there's no fucking way every population is equally intelligent and technically adept. Dark skinned people are much better sprinters historically and currently. Light skinned people are historically, and currently much better inventors.

    Can you admit that S.S. Africans never invented electrical appliances or physics or calculus? They never built a two story building or instituted large scale farming. Do you deny any of this? You are a coward if you ignore these questions.

    Answer this question ~ why haven't principled egalitarians done their own studies to disprove these horrendous racially motivated studies? If you can point me to one remotely legitimate study that lists SS African populations with an IQ over 90 I will admit defeat and recant my theses.
  15. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    So instead of actually answering his questions and criticisms regarding the IQ map you provided, you demand he accept a series of points and at the end you ask him a question in return. How about you simply answer the criticisms instead of evading, and then proceed to ask more questions.
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  16. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I answered it directly. I HAVE NOT PROBED THE STUDIES IN DETAIL
  17. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Then you should probably abandon that map as evidence since Noxious clearly knows more about it than you do.
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  18. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    To keep things in material proportion regardless high sounding ideals
    A hind end is every bit as important as a head. All the same my ass is thankful for the head.
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  19. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    If researchers were allowed to c

    What a logical fallacy lol. Noxious I implore you to point out any specific details about the study that you think are lies. The study is highly accurate and you're pointing out that not every single person in every single region is tested. If a study were 98% conclusive, you can't point to the 2% we are not totally sure of and call the study illegitimate. Science does not produce 100% conclusive results. Gravity is only a theory. Science produces a preponderance of evidence which makes one theory infinitely more likely than another.

    You bitches can't answer my questions.
  20. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    If studies were not being blockaded, we would see multiple maps from multiple studies by independent authors and the evidence would be clear to all. In today's world, all you really need to do to find truth is to search where people tell you you should not search.

    Don't question intelligence differences between groups, don't question 9/11, don't question Sandy Hook, don't question the Boston Bombing, don't question the JFK assassination. don't question the Federal Reserve.

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