Ipcc Says Global Warming

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Nerdanderthal, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    This guys says get fucccccked. Legit expert, long time meterologist, founder of the weather channel understands the politics behind the carbon taxes, more importantly understands the science behind the supposed causal relationship of CO2 raising temperature and not the other way around.

  2. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    John Coleman has no scientific background whatsoever.
    His degree is in journalism, and he received it over 50 years ago.
    He did found the Weather Channel, but was kicked out a year later.
    He is not a legit expert, and he does not even seem to understand the difference between meteorology and climatology.
    I apparently know more about the subject than he does.
    His opinion is less than worthless, because trusting him is actually preventing you from understanding the issue.


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  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The Club of Rome, which was set up by the Rockefeller family in 1968, stated in their own publications put out in the early 70s that they would use global warming to promote globalism and a standardized system of laws, regulations, taxation, etc. If you study the rise of the modern-day environmental movement, it began with groups like the COR. Global warming is a ruse of the elite.
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  4. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    That CO2 can cause global warming was understood in the 19th century.
    I'm not much into tinfoil hat infowars culture, but I'm pretty sure that global warming is really going on.
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  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

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  6. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    It's interesting that the conspiracy theorists don't think that the fossil fuel industry is conspiring to try to supress and discredit information about global warming
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  7. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    This guy comes across like your slightly dypso bumbling semi -senile uncle.I do not trust his opinion.
  8. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Have you noticed the organizations that propogated global warming now never call it global warming and instead refer to it as climate change? Have you noticed their disastrous predictions of imminent temperature explosions have fallen flat and no warming has occured for the past several years despite rising CO2? What data has convinced you CO2 leads global warming? Do you understand that in earth's history it's been global warming that's led to increases in CO2?

    "The killer proof that CO2 does not drive climate is to be found during the OrdovicianSilurian (450-420 Ma) and the Jurassic-Cretaceous periods (151-132 Ma), when CO2 levels were greater than 4000 ppmv (parts per million by volume) and about 2000 ppmv respectively4 ."

    "It has been used by the IPCC (and Al Gore5 ) as evidence that CO2 has caused the temperature increases, however they failed to explain that in fact the CO2 increases occurred on average 800 years after the temperatures increased."


    I've considered that of course, and for a long time it convinced me not to dig into the data, not to question the legitamacy of the grants being gifted to researchers who confirm the justifications for the institution of carbon taxes. I know it's a less intuitive conclusion, but do you think carbon taxes could be an incredibly lucrative money extracting machine? Think about it, you don't have to do the work of drilling into the ground, getting the oil out, refining it, adverstising, hiring all those pesky laborers, and transporting it to those who need energy. Skip all those dirty steps and just use bureaucracy to shave 10% off the top from everyyyyone. That's a great fucking business plan. Nevermind providing a valuable service, that shit is hard.

    Science is fucking AWESOME when it's untainted. People are very slow to acknowledge that government might be dishonest in its pursuit of more funding. Of course oil companies would be dishonest but our governments! Never!

    Government's a hungry, hungry beast. It seeks to grow.

    I would prefer you play the ball and not the man. Judge the data and not the messenger, but how does Climatologist Roy Spencer strike you?


    The CO2 skeptics are ALWAYS up for debate. The carbon tax supporters are TERRIFIED of debate. They repeatedly rely on funding scientists who support the carbon tax, to build a 'scientific consensus'. If you give enough grants to one side on a controversial issue, the issue ceases to be controversial for as long as the public relies on these authoritative arguments. If the public is scientifically literate enough, they can see CO2 is not the tail that wags the dog of Warmer Temperatures. It's the other way around.
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  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Some these people believe that because the Arctic cold weather swoops down the Northern Hemisphere. That Global Warming is a hoax.

    Lets explain something and its pretty clear. You can do this at home with your freezer. Open the door on the freezer and watch what happens to the cold air as the warm air moves in. It sinks to the south..

    As the Arctic warms, it pushes colder air south. Its such a simple science fact.

    Whether the warming is man made or not. Its a fact its happening.
  11. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I see your $1.8 million and raise you the common goal of groups controlling $14 trillion. That's
    ..........1,800,000 vs
    let's just assume they throw 1% of their assets at the project, that's 77 times the $1.8 million. That's domination.

    Rockefeller and his gang of "259 investment organisations, controlling "collective assets totalling over $15 trillion" – including major banks, insurance companies and pension funds. These are the bodies calling most stridently for "government action on climate change", because they are the ones who hope to make vast sums of money out of it."

  12. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Tell me how CO2 leads the warming. Present me with any data on that topic friend. Please don't say the authorities tell me so. The authorities are funded by a giant project to institute carbon taxes on every single nation. If you're the least bit scientifically literate, expose me to some data that says CO2 leads warming. ALL the data in earth's history says it's the other way around. The earth has gotten really hot in the past on its own, and CO2 tends to trail the warmer temperature with an 800 year lag.

    The earth has been much warmer than it is now, and it has dragged CO2 levels much higher than they are now.
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  15. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Global warming is real according to 97% of independent scientists. At this point, we can say that almost all of the deniers, like Nerdanderthal, are (perhaps unwittingly) tools of the Koch brothers and their capitalist allies.

    We need a carbon tax and the best way to do it is to make it revenue-neutral, returning the entire amount of the collected taxes back to the taxpayers perhaps in the form of a reduction in payroll taxes. A carbon tax is fairly easy to implement and doesn't require a huge new government bureaucracy, unlike these complicated cap-and-trade ideas.

    A revenue-neutral carbon tax makes so much sense that there is no chance in hell it will ever even be considered by our dysfunctional and corrupt Congress.
  16. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Independent scientists that work based off grants given by governments??

    Don't say global warming is real, the issue is whether or not CO2 causes runaway global warming. Provide a shred of evidence that says CO2 is leading warming.

    What do you think about the IPCCs predictions being so wrong over and over?


  17. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Meanwhile, Spring is already happening in Oregon, Washington and Northern California (for 2 weeks already!).

    Plus California broke 200 year old records for heat and drought last year.

    It IS CLIMATE change. And it's not all about warming, it's about EXTREMES becoming the norm.

    In case you haven't noticed...

    That means more severe storms (have you had any like that this year?)

    More rain, more snow (in some places), more drought, lasting much longer and more severe.

    If you haven't noticed any of this happening yet, you aren't alive (you must be so locked up with your computer and conspiracy theories you can't see what's happening in the real world.)

    What truly amazes me is that people don't realize HOW TOXIC we are making this earth with our POLLUTION.

    It's all about HUMAN POLLUTION of this planet that will end up killing us all eventually (if some war or cosmic debris doesn't do it first)

    I'm sure the deniers claim we are NOT POLLUTING this earth, right. It's all clean energy and clean waste we spread over our planet, right?

    And there can never be any consequences of this pollution according to the brainwashed conspiracy theorists, no matter how much it is, right?

    Yes, ppl like PR are so brainwashed with conspiracy theories, they can't separate truth from fiction anymore.

    And finally the asshole who founded the Weather Channel is being paid by the oil lobby to make these absurd statements.

    What is his real job, otherwise? Huh? Who is paying him? Last I heard he was a "weatherman" (not a meteorologist) in San Diego. Not sure he still has that job.

    Love the pic of him with a MICROSCOPE! Yeah, that helps forecast the weather!

    Yeah, deniers, hold this guy up as your holy grail of science against Climate Change.

    Tons of credibility there! NOT!
    3 people like this.
  18. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, people have used that argument on me , as well..."well, no global warming as can't you see how cold and how much snow there has been this winter?" I just say the same thing you just did, Skip....It is extreme for normal because of global warming.....
  19. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    You are very gullible and don't question what you read. Your data comes from Friends of Science Society. It took me one minute to fact-check them in Wikipedia and this is what I found:

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  20. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Sunfighter, you expect DENIERS to FACT CHECK? LMAO!

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