Hey everyone, it's nice to meet you. You can call me Strawberry Banana, SB, or whatever works for you.... I'm a young women in my mid-twenties who's looking for a place to dicuss things in my free time online, so I spontaneously decided to sign up here today. I would describe myself as eccentric, inquisitive, expressive, artistic, scientific, abstract, hedonistic, neurotic, and probably some other adjectives I'm forgetting, too. My general interests include art, music, dancing, food, television, video games, programming, math, science, history, psychology, sexuality, dreams, altered states, meditation, nutrition, fitness, yoga. I have dealt with social anxiety, depression, panic attacks, chronic pain, and a lot of psychological issues from repressing my gender identity from a young age, but through years of self-therapy, guidance, love, and consciousness exploration, I've managed to come out of it remaining optimistic about my life and the future. I could go more in depth, but the only way you're really going to get to know me well is to talk to me! How is everyone here doing?
you may want to check out this thread about anxiety and depression http://www.hipforums.com/forum/topic/458019-treating-depression-and-anxiety/ I routinely plug acupunture for people with chronic pain and other ailments
Hello everyone! My name is...secret) I'm new here and in forums industry. Wanna know and learn smth new. Also I'm very friendly!
batgirl.....click the link up top that says ''introduce yourself and then there will be another little box...towards the top on the right side...says ''start new topic''....click that and redo your introduction properly...... welcome to hip
Thanks, everyone! I'm glad to be here. newbie-one, acupuncture actually sounds pretty interesting.... The only things that really work to suppress some of my pains so far are hot water and pain killers, and I really don't care for the latter. I've actually gotten electrolysis before too and have been given weird looks for saying that it felt good, hehe.... I bet acupuncture would be right up my alley! I just need to look into where to get it done here....
If there is an acupuncture school in your area, they often have a student clinic that offers acupuncture for cheap