Internet Relationships...Does It Work?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Barbara Jones, Dec 31, 2004.


Would You have an Internet Relationship?

  1. Yes!

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  2. No!

    34 vote(s)
  3. Not Sure!

    15 vote(s)
  1. Barbara Jones

    Barbara Jones Member

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    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this forum. I would like to discuss Internet Relationships.

    We all know the Internet is a big window of opportunity and we must be careful of these opportunities. Since so many people are using the Internet for dating purposes, safety first should be on the forefront of their minds.
    (Use this medium wisely!)

    Internet relationships is a growing population that can't be ignored any more. People are making this way of social behavior a common practice.

    I have researched extensively on Internet Relationships and have received hundreds of letters from Internet Couples around the world sharing their experiences.

    Most of our feedback from our readers showed results of marriage to their Internet Lover while others showed devastation as their results.
    Is it safe to say internet meetings between faceless names on-line is taking the place of meeting people at bars, clubs, churches, parties and other social gatherings?

    People are looking outside their box (environment) for something different and better than what they're use too! People are seeking companionship where ever they can find it!

    And it seems to me the internet is where they're searching.
  2. Orsino2

    Orsino2 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I found my gay lover on
  3. steffan

    steffan puffin

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    i think too many people blame failed relationships on odd things like were the met there ex
  4. USNavyDeadHead

    USNavyDeadHead Member

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    My mother had a great talent for marrying assholes, my dad included. She met her current husband through a local internet classified section. He's awesome and actually treats her like she deserves. I cant argue with using the internet to find someone special. It is true that you have to be very careful but it can be rewarding I guess.
  5. Orsino2

    Orsino2 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    hahaha, I find it funny because you can put in the most outlandish crap on dating sites... I've done it for fun... I put in that I was a female skinhead and guys still e-mailed me.
  6. luv

    luv Member

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    I met my boyfriend online, not on a dating site, but in a chatroom of a band website. We chatted loads for about 6 months till we finally met and it was as if we had been together for ages when we first met. Sure you gotta be careful, but i think if you speak to someone over a long period you can find out if someone's trustworthy or not. Follow your intuition peeps!
  7. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    my mom just married a guy she met on the internet. i havent met him yet though, so he could be some psycho ax-murderer for all i know! LOL. they eloped and i havent heard from her in over a week....they're still honeymooning.
  8. SilverClover14

    SilverClover14 Senior Member

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    I met my boyfriend on a forum about a year or so ago. After a few months of IMing back and forth, he started calling and we became a couple in [almost] every sense of the word. We just met last weekend and I spent the entire weekend with him after 10 months of complete torture. =P The only reason it took that long was because he lives 1000 miles away (in Nebraska.. I live in Georgia) and my parents don't approve because I met him online and because he's 2 1/2 years older than me.

    I think online dating can be really great because you fall for a person's personality (hopefully, if they aren't being facecious) and their intellegence rather than their bodies. You just have to be careful and trust your instinct. The only reason I spent the night with my boyfriend was because I was 100% sure nothing was going to happen, especially because I talk to his mom often as well as his younger sister and his two best friends. Better safe than sorry.
  9. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    i hope they work out
  10. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    I tried having an online relationship a few years ago... it really didn't work out for me. I find that it's very easy (for me at least) to fill all those holes of info you don't know (because you don't get to see how they really act, just how they type and say they act) with what you WANT them to be, not how they actually are.

    Not saying it can't possible work for anyone, it's just not something I want to suffer through again

    I have no problem with internet dating sites though... heck, I met my last bf (jerk that he was) through one. I'm too shy to approach new people on my own, afterall.
  11. rhasta.penguin

    rhasta.penguin No more hippy...ugh

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    internet relationships can work, but the biggest problem, in my opinion, would be the lack of physical touch, if they are far far away from you. Also since you have never met them in person when you first talk on line, it kind of throws things off thinking about who the person could be. Could be a psycho crazy killer o_O
  12. bedlam

    bedlam Senior Member

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    l don't think l'd bother again..
  13. Abyle

    Abyle Member

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    My experience is that friendships online are dandy. Don't know about dating, but I tend to agree with Ihmurria. It just doesn't suit me.
  14. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    crazy man michael
  15. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    I've had two relationships that started online. One lasted for 1 1/2yrs and the other for 7months. I am still friends with both. I've had far worse and better luck in person. Anyone, anywhere can put up a facade that is hard to get past. I think its just an alternative way to meet people and if anything gives you an opportunity to get to know them a bit better in some ways, like can they hold a conversation. Like I'm going to meet a better class of people in person at a bar?? lmao~!
  16. dylanzeppelin

    dylanzeppelin daydream believer

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    i think it all involves the mindset and what you are looking for. i have done the whole internet relationship deal a few times and i believe that sometimes its best to really get to know the person, through email or phone before meeting. dont ever just meet up with someone after one talking. but i believe that anything is possible on line and you never know who you might meet. its an interesting place.
  17. Acorn

    Acorn Member

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    me too! ;)
  18. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    i met hhb online many many years ago when chat rooms were new thing,,,, so now after 9 years,,, 3 online then a 4 day visit and a long friendship i have now been more than happily with him for a year n half n no we wont ever be apart again,,,, :)
  19. Orsino2

    Orsino2 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    It can work... as stated... depending on both of the people....

    :( :p
  20. spike

    spike Member

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    ive not met no one yet but im looking and holding me breathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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