Here is an interesting video on who would die first in a crisis situation. Not to bash hippies, but according to this video hippies would be one of the first to go in such a catastrophe.
...because they don't have firearms? LOL Fucking self-righteous, paranoid, gun-toting POS prepper bitch ain't got no right to shit in the woods as far as I'm concerned.
She makes some good points, but overall misses the point entirely by even promoting this fear mongering patriot/survivalist garbage. Also, what the fuck is the deal with the sunglasses? Is she trying to conceal her identity?
It's not as if the shit will hit the fan suddenly and without warning. We will see it coming and have time to prepare for it.
"Also, what the fuck is the deal with the sunglasses? Is she trying to conceal her identity?" Don't they all, PR.
Everyone should at least have some contingency plan for natural disasters like earthquakes and floods. Or an environmental catastrophe like an oil or chemical spill. It can get really inconvenient after a couple of weeks when you can't drink your tap water or flush your toilet, lol
I think the "warnings" have been ongoing (and quite obvious) for quite some time now. I think if people were going to prepare, they would have done so already.
Hippies who know how to grow good marijuana will end up being the king pins after the apocalypse. Others who know how to grow food will be in great demand once the supermarkets are empty. That's how it will play out. The first ones to go will be the survivalists themselves as groups of armed nuts fight each other to get at their stores and weapons. Also realize that true hippies will be able to fend for themselves and live in a world without technology far better than those addicted to it.
....and SHTF Day will be a shock to most. In my view it will start in the Bond markets, and spread in hours and days to all the other markets, Wall Street and the BANKS! "Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it"
First to die will be the elderly and children who can't fend for themselves. Next will be people on medication who need it and people with no food or potable water.
I know I am never going to get out of this world alive, but rest assured, I'll be taking down as many motherfuckers as I can before I go.