This is what my results were. I expected to be closer to the middle actually.
I took the test. They claimed I was lightly left; you may find most are slightly left, unless you are an Authoritarian. That is why I cannot fathom why people call others Liberals; we are all liberals; we all want what is best for everyone: not just a selected few. We can be liberal and still vote Republican, some disclaim that. Here is another: This stated that I am an Active State Liberalism
Yeah, real issues are a lot more complicated. There are some things I feel should be "authoritarian", and some things that absolutely should not be. I am not an extremist, except maybe when it comes to FOSS (free open source software). What is described by the GNU public license I mostly believe in Other types of information I feel should be protected more than it currently is, such as personal information which it is far too easy to obtain, and generally has far too much "value" than it should.
I admit that tech savvy is not my forte'; from what I could understand, seem to resemble what Aaron Schwartz was trying to put in place with reddit back in the early days. Then again I may have misunderstood what he was trying to do compared to what your link was implying. But I do understand free Licenses to which you are free to duplicate and pass on. As for some of the questions on the survey, I tend to agree with you. I do feel slightly authoritarian on some items, mainly to do with overbearing governmental power and the military industrial complex spending/budgets, for which I am strongly against, probably slightly radical to an extent. I do however fear these groups that seem to be reversing the roles of segregation; curbing free speech to anyone that does not agree to their agenda. In fact, making it worse off then it was 60 yrs ago.
Left moderate social Libertarian. Two rows down and 6 to the left compared to my age group, gender, and state.
I was very close to the center, but on the lower left side. I found that quiz nearly impossible though. If a question was simply about a statement of fact, like that free markets don't allocate resources efficiently, then it was easy, but concerning questions with words such as "should", I had to think whether or not it meant in terms of immediate policy changes where a ridiculously large amount of subsequent factors complicate the issue - factors which relate to things I often value far more than the issue in question, or I had to think if it meant to speak to the issue in a vacuum, where it would just magically be the case and not cause any auxiliary complications. And then the importance of the issue was also very difficult to decide. Many things are very relevant in themselves, but as issues are nearly irrelevant when one takes into account how little intelligent, effectual discussion on them is actually taking place.
I don't want what's best for everyone. I want what's best for myself, which is a difficult enough question, and then concerning others, I go from there.
Concerning the quiz xenxan liked, this it what they told me. "You are Limited-State Liberal You believe that each individual has "natural" rights that supercede the rights of any class; but, that it is not the gov't's duty to protect individuals to let "nature take its course" via social Darwinism" Often all of the possible answers to the questions were ridiculously wrong, so I must factor that in. As for social Darwinism, all it is it the attempt undo ideologies that work to counter natural selection. If it's not that then it's either another ideology attempting to counter natural selection, in disguise, or its simply Darwinism, which if not unavoidable at all times, is simply the lack of a society run by ideas which attempt o counter it.
I'm more in the middle of that quad....right along with Gandhi and the Dali Lama...philosophically speaking.
I am sure i am more a little more to the left of the graph than the results show here. I was very tired, and do not think I read or understood the questions properly......
I too found that to be the case. Some of the questions are either hard to distinguish the difference between the choices or the questions seem to contradict the choices they gave, if that makes sense. This I found in the first "quiz". The one I linked was easier to understand the questions and choices, but the definitions, in regards to your proposed political side, were to broad. They come across like psych tests; were there are no right or wrong answers but worded so that to them, there is a clear definition as to your makeup. So, in other words, take with a grain of salt.
Libertarian 7.89 Right 2.46 I typically hate political identity quizzes because of how inaccurate results are and how simplistic the questions can be. Some quizzes told me I was a libertarian socialist, a left wing moderate, and a just about anything else in between. But I gave this one a chance and it seems the most accurate and unbiased I've seen so far. I think the sliding scale of importance on the issue helped with the accuracy.
<b>My Political Views</b><br>I am a left social libertarian<br>Left: 3.01, Libertarian: 4.74<br><img src=""><br><a href="">Political Spectrum Quiz</a><br> I got way more libertarian than I expected. I think the poll overemphasizes questions about free speech and doesn't ask much about any other aspects of the libertarian platform.
Information is power, therefore information should be free. Corporations and government cannot be trusted to use technology for the benefit of ordinary people. Corporations and government cannot be trusted to guarantee privacy and freedom of speech on the internet. Unless we understand computers and networks, we will be enslaved by corporations and governments that do. Be careful who you share information with. Think about these things when you're in the voting booth.