Hello, I just made an interesting observation. For me it takes the same amount of time to eat a waffle than it takes to bake one. That means the plate with the baked waffles stays always empty. Regards Gyro
definately takes longer for a toaster to toast a frozen one, let alone making one from batter in a waffle iron. i prefer to put chocklet right in the batter when making my own, and buy the ones with chocklet chips in them when buying the frozen ones. i don't like syrups and don't use them. i might sometimes use butter or margarine. although sour cream or whip cream or even that plastic whipped cream stuff. not really something i have all the time in the house, but the frozen ones are a convenience. i do buy them once in a while.
Hello, hmmyumm chocolate chips. Don't the waffles stick on the waffle iron then? The interesting part is in my stomach now . Regards Gyro
It takes me two days and then some....shopping......to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner and only 20 minutes for people to eat it..... Not to mention the two weeks of house cleaning that goes before, as well.....
Hello, boah, no waffles for Asmo. I'm a nice guest, people like me . I know what you mean. I have this with pizza. For me, I guess, pizza is ruined for ever. Regards Gyro
Hello, nope . I think the reason is that the pizza guy came to my door step, while I had to walk 15 or 20 minutes one way to get to the next turkish fast food joint . Regards Gyro
Ah the shoarma got delivered here as well. I had a friend who called the shoarma place so regularly that they answered with 'Hey, how are you? Same as usual?", and when he was at my place and placing an order he had to insure where he was otherwise they simply brought it to my mate's doorstep!
Yeah....hahahahaha..I can just see the food flying and sticking to the walls......LOL but you gotta do better than 15 minutes there, Gyro.....