Interesting Being A Father And Not Celebrating Father's Day

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by thefutureawaits, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    Probably been told today about 5 times (luckily I wasn't at work) and I could tell them why I don't celebrate it but I tend to leave it alone and just say "thanks". Why is there a special day for dads? There are a lot of bad dads. Does a dad who beats his kids and makes them sleep on stones and just feeds his kids scraps of food get a #1 Dad t shirt for Father's Day? Or the most prominent seat at the table just because he is a dad? For good fathers, yes they should be celebrated everyday, not just one day like everyone else. So, go and celebrate your Father's Day but don't expect me to celebrate it.
    2 people like this.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Well quite simply, a made up holiday generates $$$$$ in the shops.

    That's why.

    That's literally why.

    Like literally why.


    When I was near meh daddy I'd buy him case of beer and we'd finish that with him along with a nice cooked meal. He always told us don't get him anything but I always got him beer because it was shared and was just a good time.

    Now I'm in another country but, I send him a case of beer anyway on the internet lol. Hope one my other sisters can have some drinks with him. I also call him. Like I know it's a made up holiday and all but, it's still a positive day I think.

    Now what about us folks who don't have kids and stuff. We need another day other than our b'days.

    I say give us a holiday called "thanks for not overpopulating the earth with fucken shit asshole kids" day or something. :)
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  3. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I thought it was a holiday created because of the men's movement. Basically, a bunch of men were complaining that they didn't get a holiday like women do, so the government decided to make a holiday. Same goes for Mother's Day. A bunch of women were complaining that they didn't get a holiday, while men get all these perks for being a man, so the government decided to make one.

    It's just a holiday, like all the rest to me.

    The thing I don't understand is having to always respect your mother and father. Like you mentioned, what if they're a horrible mom or dad... do you still have to respect them?

    I remember getting scolded a lot as a kid for fighting with my mom in front of other people. These people acted like I committed a horrible crime against nature for just raising my voice at my mom. And everytime that this happened... I was thinking to myself, "Do you know what she has done to me?" People talk about how if someone doesn't respect them, they won't give respect, but parents always get the respect and upperhand, regardless of WHAT KIND OF PARENTS OR HUMAN BEINGS THEY ARE! If you're not a good parent, or human being... you don't deserve respect. Granted, these people don't deserve to be tortuerd. I'm clearly not saying that.
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  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    LOL, Happy Breeders day?
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    And tell us about your father
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  6. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Are you fucking with me, or really asking?
  7. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    By the way, to those who have great dads... I'm happy for you. I'm not trying to be a party pooper. Honestly, for the most part I don't even realize it is any given holiday until I get reminded by something else. For example, I didn't realize it was Father's Day... until I read this thread. All day, didn't know. So, because I don't know... I don't have any positive or negative thoughts. I just think it's another day.
  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    In that i am really asking, but can probably guess the answer
  9. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Okay, smartass... that wants to make fun of me, even though I'm innocently posting.

    How was my daddy like?

    Then I'll answer.
  10. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I should have called him 'Papi'.

    How was my papi like?
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I genuinely want to know
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  12. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    You said you can guess. Go ahead, guess.
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  13. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I think if your dad is worthy, then why not?

    If your dad was just there, why not?

    If your a dead beat dad, then no, you don't deserve it..

    But it's never too late for dads that just found being a dad not their thing! Mum's do that too you know, it's not a dead given talent when you become a parent.

    My dad was cool, great guy, had 4 daughters and never showed signs of wanting a son, unlike my mum!

    Do we miss him? Every day..

    Father's day, is a day to fuss him, and not have to share it, it's a day if you have been busy, to catch up.. dad's generally love it, well mine did..

    It's hypercritical to say happy father's day when he died, I mean, dhhh!

    But I still think of him, more that day than any other..

    Spoil your dad's, they don't last a life!

    And if he was a crap dad, then be better than him..
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  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    or in my case, not being a father and celebrating every day that isn't a sunday or holiday because those are when the buses run more then once an hour.

    i did marry someone once who had children by a former marriage and her children had already had children, so i guess that makes me a step grandfather in law,
    or some wierd bs like that. kind of proud not to have ever personally contributed to the ever increasing excessiveness of human population.

    at last as far as i know and hope. if i ever, did i wish them happiness and a good life, but there's only one chance i know of,
    where that could have happened without my knowing about it.

    if i ever did, i'd be curious and all that.

    now my own dad, he passed away in 91.
    he had meant well most of my young life in the 60s and 70s,
    or did a good job of appearing to,
    but he wasn't the same person in 87 i remember him being until 77.
    there was a ten years in their, and it seemed like more then just the passing decade had changed him,

    well that wasn't the only strangeness in my life.
    what he had become, and maybe it was what he had been as a child and maybe it wasn't,
    but in a lot of ways its kind of a relief that he's gone.

    so this fathers day thing isn't a whole lot of a thing to me.
    grandfathers i never met either of them.

    so anyway, even though i had my direct parents and had them to myself,
    all this family stuff, beyond that, is kind of alien to me.

    i don't feel like i've missed anything about it,
    but it does make me curious some times,
    to have grandma's house or aunts and uncles,
    living within range of where i could have just
    randomly visited them once in a while,
    what that would have been like,
    what it might be life for most people who do.
  15. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    This is sweet. Me likey. You sound like a great mom, morrow.
    1 person likes this.
  16. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Don't think I forgot about you, bro. You didn't guess.
  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I want you to say it.

    Piercings was enough of a giveaway, wrought with body image issues, and yet at one stage in the process of piercings that would draw attention.

    The whole truth about everything about you is a lot more ordinary than you want us to believe isnt it.

    As for "Papi" instead of daddy, also a huge giveaway ;)

    Got go admit, didnt even notice you until recently, as I said, thought you were male, it was just casual posts until recently, when you started talking about all this stuff...everything except who the father was or the main father figure.

    Remember back to when you were about 13, day dreaming or dreaming scenarios with that mental projection of what kind of man that you wanted to be your daddy, an amalgamation of a celebrity, a teacher, a neighbour or a friends dad. Its more about him anyway
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  18. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    VG.. I've said it before, your such a sweetheart..
  19. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    IIRC mother's day was originally a day for giving money to the church. as in "mother church" and had nothing to do with people's mothers. Dunno where father's day comes from, but there's a generally accepted understanding that it isn't as much of a big deal as mother's day, for unclear reasons.
  20. morrow

    morrow Visitor

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