Interested to hear your thoughts

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by *Doormouse, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. *Doormouse

    *Doormouse Member

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    The true problem (or what I’ll title a ‘problem’ for now ---so as to ensure the development of the thought--) is that there is not a truth or right or wrong: only reactions/perspectives and the human-shells hungry to pick a side.
    Why not recognize all possible dimensions and live in a world of understanding rather than sponsorship and division?
    I am frustrated by those who choose to deny the full potency of life. It is as if they prefer to stick to one alley of perception and perfect all points within their territory.
    If an effort is made to lure the person out of their alleyway into a new thought light, they shift into mind survival mode and must preserve their home alley by throwing at you all that they’ve perfected in their world.

    All the while oblivious to the space beyond their comfort alleyway: blinded by the flying attempts to maintain their mind boulevard.
  2. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    The truth is that humans are blocked from independent thought. Not by anything elts but them selves. Leting go all they think they have figured out and realising that ones self dose not hold any knoledge at all is a trublesome idea. Just look at are way of creating religion as proof to how scared we are of reality. I am tired and my mind is not running at full capasity so i hope im paking sence. but your writing and ideas are beautiful. ill try to get bak to you when im a lil more able minded.
    peace be with you~
  3. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    I know exactly what you mean
    but you worded that confusingly....

    but yeah
    people suck
  4. lovelikeair

    lovelikeair Member

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    Well written, guys. I'd through in my 5 cents but my brain's been working overtime this week.
  5. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    i think ill cheat and post something ive already written before. It dose have some relevance to the subject.

    In the process in which enlightenment is received, humans unintentionally create barriers to slowly let the mind ease into a full understanding of existence. These barriers are needed to sustain a balance of sanity. Like many philosophers, scientists, and other people that figure out life to an extreme, are flooded with information. Sadly there overwhelmed minds become perplexed and slowly slip into insanity.
    People that see life very clearly tend to preach there understanding and have been recorded through time. The recorders of time were not as enlightened as the preachers so more barriers were put up. Religion is a prime example of a barrier. The concept of the enlightened ones have strive through time but they have been interpreted in the way of a sort of "story book" concept. Characters in a story illustrate the qualities and ways of life. Sadly over time information that is created changes and the meaning fades. Only until the concept of these barriers are met can we move on.
    Barriers also pass down from parent to child. Human minds are completely open when first introduced to this existence. Stories are passed down from parent to child that are given to teach the ways of life. Of coarse time has effected them greatly. Santa Clause is another example of a barrier. If we must teach these fairy tale stories we might as well just tell them that six plus four is one hundred. These stories even though paralyzing are part in which makes humans so beautiful. It takes a while for weak mind to let go of these minor barriers and move on with the development of the brain. Children have so much potential for this world, but there minds are diluted with all kinds of barriers. Of coarse these barriers are needed in the process of growing as a species and seem to go untouched because of there seeming innocence. They comfort man both young and old.
    Until we realize these barriers exist the way they do, we will stay idle in a paralyzed state. There needs to be a huge transition in man. We a currently like toddlers playing with heavy machinery blind to are consequences. The awakening of the mind must take place if we wish to survive as a species.

    the words of Tyler Scott Munschy

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