Intelligence is overrated.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Hipstudent, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    I recently took an IQ test required for all students by my psychology professor. Surprisingly i scored a 162 showing apparently im a genius.
    I have a few questions since i suddenly became curious as to just how in depth my thoughts are compared to the majority?

    I always knew i was smart i just never realized the gap between myself and majority of society. As a child i had a very tough time making friends mostly due to the fact i couldn't relate to my peers. From kindergarten through 7th grade i never once brought a book home from school and made straight A's due to the fact anything a teacher brought up in class i instantly understood within 5 minutes.

    Around 8th grade i dont know if i changed my own thought process or if everyone else started to grow enough that i could interact and make friends but i became pretty popular that year.

    Coincidentally thats around the time i started to slack in school and never bringing a book home escalated into never doing anything other than taking tests and quizzes in school. I started to pass with A's to D's depending on the teacher. For example if it was a teacher who gave homework every night i would make all 0's and than make an A on the test averaging my grade around a D.

    As ive grown older Im still a very popular person with tons of friends but i feel like i can never share my true thoughts with people because i realize they cant relate.

    Im curious though is this what everyone does? If i ever told people what actually goes on in my head they would think im a nutjob. Also im a person who has an extreme value in honesty i never lie to people im just a half truth type of person. I always know when people are lieing in simple conversation like "i make 60000 a year etc".

    I cant hold a job for shit. Ive never had a job i really love and got paid a lot but working shit jobs making shit money is just so trivial to me its miserable to get up and go to work and be miserable making barely enough money to live for the day than do it again tomorrow.
    Do other people feel this way ? How do you go through life doing this shit?

    I feel as if my superior intelligence makes it harder to go through the normal life i chose as a younger person. I chose a life of social acceptance which i believe i conformed my brain to concentrate on and excelled over the life i could have had. I could have made straight A's got into an ivy league school and became a great mind instead of the life of the party. I dont know if i regret my decisions or not at this time. My goal in life really is just to be happy. I have good friends. I have fun times. I have plenty of financial problems and struggles but thats life without winning the lottery i suppose. Im only 22 well see what happens.

    Also i feel like the type of people who are on these forums are all intelligent people who can relate and understand Ive had many people simply respond "you think too much" on things ive said texted posted over the years. Ive always been like yeah i know lol. But i finally realize why. I just think faster and more in depth than most people can comprehend.
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You are not alone. I have a high IQ and am told I think too much, too....It is ok.....The Thinker statue, I can relate to.....:)

    am very deep, too.....and am trying my damndest to find humor and lighten up...the road I am on now.....and not to take myself too seriously, or others too seriously, as well . It starts at home base. I expect alot of myself and so therefore expect alot from others, I take myself too seriously, so therefore I take others too seriously, etc......
    If I don't expect so much from myself then I won't from as I said it all starts at home base....which is the inner person of anyone....
  3. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Lying. Not lieing. Maybe you're correct.
  4. mellowmushpizzatripp

    mellowmushpizzatripp Member

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    Judging by your grammar and writing skills (not to mention your level of comprehension), your IQ is probably average, if you're lucky ;Reading your post probably gave me a brain tumour >:D
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't lie or ly......LOL I always did get the spelling of those words wrong....

    Anyway, advice to OP...just be yourself and stay on your own road....No need to conform.....if you do not want to.....

    I could keep a job, even if I hated it....Never did like to be a game piece on someone else's monopoly I went my own way.....anyway.... even while doing whatever job had or needed to be done....One has to make money in this world.
    I did find ways to make my own, too....creatively....
  6. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Overrated, probably not. Misunderstood is quite probable.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    IQ tests are overrated, intelligence isn't.
  8. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We WILL get to the bottom of this.....:D
  9. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    I believe grammar has little to do with intelligence i thought people was spelled peaple until i was 19 years old man lol. Also i realize your IQ doesn't define you everyone is still there own person. People with higher intelligence i believe just have a deeper thought process that makes us all a bit eccentric.

    You say you expect a lot of yourself? I'm the opposite i dont expect shit of myself in this life but its because of my beliefs sort of. These are the types of thoughts i never speak of in public because i realize its stuff that people are usually like "WHAAA?" too, but its why i think everything in life is so trivial and an example of how people with a higher iq can think deeper than the majority.

    But i believe our entire lives and most everything we know isnt real. Im not saying its a a specific god or whatever your beliefs may be. I just believe this universe, like a computer program has a creator or creators. I believe its too perfect. There are millions of galaxies with millions of planets on perfect orbits. There are set rules such as gravity, for humans the need of food, water, air. I believe this life is just a phase in our souls journey. Time is a loop not a line. I believe when we die we either start a new journey or continue our current or previous one in another dimension. This type of stuff makes me realize that as humans we truly dont know shit about shit. I feel like our entire race isnt doing at all what we should be. Most of the things important to us really arent important at all while things we overlook and most people never even think about are some of the most important things in this life.

    Also i think a main reason i cant hold a job is due to learned behavior. I have a semi wealthy family that would never let me starve or anything. While not having a job im broke as fuck living day to day off dollars im handed but i dont have to worry about shelter, food, clothing, etc. I guess ive always been too spoiled to value working to live.
  10. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I mean, there are some people who are functionally intelligent. They're the scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. They are good with numbers and recalling facts.

    Other people are more unconventionally intelligent, and their strength lies in their ability to think abstractly and perceive the world around them in a much greater way, coming to conclusions about observations other people would laugh at or find to be crazy. These people have a harder time finding their niche in life, which could be because what is so commonly sought after in modern society -- in terms of what is deemed normal, successful, etc. -- is utterly meaningless and bullshit.

    But yeah, life has always been harder for intelligent people, which should not be confused with people who are simply educated and/or driven to succeed.
  11. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Also to be honest i think the big bang theory of how the universe was created from nothing is about the most ridiculous shit i ever heard. I have no clue how that shit is accepted in science. Why cant they just admit they dont know?
    One of the laws of this universe is matter cannot be created or lost. However all of the sudden there was no matter and than the universe? Explain that shit man. Someone, something made this using matter from their dimension.
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Although not ridicilous I'm not sure of it at all either. If there wouldn't be any indication for the big bang theory I might have thought of it as ridicilous as well.
  13. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Couldnt have said that better myself.
  14. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I will go along with the theory that there was the birth of our universe from another one.....and now we are just bouncing....from point of origin.
    I will go along with that for now, until I hear something that makes more sense.
  15. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    I believe there was a big bang. Just not how science thinks of it as "allll from nothingg" I obviously dont really know and cant begin to explain something that is yet to exist. Would be like describing colors to blind people. They cant comprehend. But i believe it goes somewhere along the lines of an atom bomb. or a blackhole.

    A blackhole for anything who dont know is a very large mass of matter with such a ridiculously high mass that light cant even escape its gravity. But also it continues to pull everything within its grasp to it. even other smaller black holes at times. There are also a lot of scientists who believe that every blackhole leads to a new universe with millions of other galaxies with millions of planets also including more millions of black holes leading to millions of more universes? Now thats a mind fuck if i ever heard one. But my thoughts on the "big bang" is that all black holes are formed by a creator and a certain black hole in some dimension formed and in our dimension sucked in and blew out the current universe we live in.
  16. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Some people are just good at IQ tests.They represent a certain kind of thinking.However there are other ways of considering intelligence,such as emotional intelligence,or being good with your hands and being creative.I've never done an IQ test,and don't plan on taking one either.I fear,I must admit,that I would score low,because I am more of a verbal intuitive kind of person.I also wonder if those given IQ tests at an early age,and score low,may develop a negative opinion of their intelligence and carry that forward into their learning,thinking they are not capable.In my estimation,the human being IS a genius;we are most of us remarkable in our abilities,but some portions of society/system seek to tell us we are no good,that we cannot reach our potential,and that we are surplus to requirements.It doesn't help that most governments just consider children as future wage-slaves whose sole purpose is to propagate their system,with very little emphasis placed on personal growth and free-thinking.Sometimes I think how wonderful things could be,if everyone was just given a chance and a little bit of encouragement.
  17. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Heyyy man i was just typing that i like you lol
  18. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Establishment-touted science is authoritative, and basically says "this is the way it must be, and if you question it you must be a fool." Science is a religion just like Christianity is, and so therefore I subscribe to neither. People forget that science is just as politically-driven as religion, and is used for control purposes every bit as much. Science does not explain everything, though it often purports to. There is so much that is unknown and likely always will be... at least to us plebs. But I don't really subscribe to the Big Bang Theory either, or a lot of what science claims to undisputed fact -- especially when it comes to our origins.
  19. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    I see where your coming from. I believe IQ tests are accurate as long as you have very basic math skills and comprehension of the language the test is in. Every question has the answer in it. Its not a test of things you have been taught. But i do agree that every human is a genius in their own way but we arent doing what we should be with our gift. Government both helped us and ruined us. While we have made many technological advances with the coming together of societys i believe we have made many things important that just arnt. Such as money. Not to sound like a tree hugging hippie but.... A Society built on love would go along the lines of helping each other working for free with our skills in order to help people and in return have those people want to help you. A society built on hate is what we have. People dont trust strangers whats mine is mine and whats yours is yours and we will kill to protect our claim. It isn't a perfect world and never will be but i truly wish it could change and it saddens me to think about what were capable of if we could come together.
  20. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Another of my beliefs which puts me in the "nutjob" category is that aliens changed us a few thousand years ago and gave us the knowledge of religion.
    I believe they were responsible for the step from caveman to man. The knowledge of religion was simply a thought to bring people together and make us think about it. But as with anything a human is told and tells the story is changed from mouth n mouth, language to language which is why we have so many today. My belief of this is just simply that many of the first great civilizations built such monuments as the pyramids the huge crop circle looking type things in south America etc. as messages to aliens.

    Off topic but interesting. There is a retired Canadian official who claimed that aliens are in fact real and meet with government officials regularly and make deals such as selling technology in return for being allowed to do certain things to people. But they refuse to sell certain technologies and weapons saying we would destroy ourselves. This is also a large mindfuck of mine curious as to why if its true. Are we being farmed for something such as energy as humans are used in the movie the matrix? Are we really in a matrix now? Many scientists actually believe we are as well just not along the lines of the movie =p lol
    But who knows.. not me... aliens could just be observing us for there own knowledge just as we study the behaviors of nearly every animal on earth. Maybe they just want to eventually become allies with us when we have become an advanced enough race and there just helping speed the process.. I mean honestly how many years have humans been on earth? (honestly ide guess anywhere from 100 million to 10 thousand) But look how far weve come in just the last 1000! the last 100! the last 10! Our rate of advancement certainly took a boost from an unknown source.

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