Intellectual whores

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by ahimsa, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. MeatWagon499

    MeatWagon499 Senior Member

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    i just read everything on or whatever, and EVERYTHING on that website I can relate to. I've now come to the conclusion that im an intellectual whore, I've been toyed with in the past, and after I broke up with my girlfriend almost a year ago i havent found a girl I can be attracted to. the "abyss". I've grown more selfish since then. And for some reason I just want to be with my ex-gf badly, or at least sum1 like me thats got average looks.

    shit well and ive figured out im basically just unattractive. Hey I guess life is pointless afterall isnt it? why the fuck else am I here, im not here for girls, im not here to be a rocket scientist im just here to do drugs which i will probly continue to do until my life gets so horribly fucked that i end up killing myself.
  2. browneydgrl

    browneydgrl Member

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    1 anyone two people who deem each other friends and have conversations about subjects other than the weather could be characterized as intellectual whores? where's the line between friendship and prostitution of intellect? and flirting? hehehe..."now ive gone cross-eyed!"
  3. tigerlily

    tigerlily proud mama

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    i think you need to do some serious soul searching to figure out why you're here and what you want to do with your life... nothing is shameful, keep that in mind. unless you're killing ppl or something... that might be considered shameful :p
  4. whispers

    whispers sweet and sour

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    yeah killing people .....might be shameful
  5. 8footsativa_chik

    8footsativa_chik Waka Chang-Chang

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    Ok, reading that site that was given, i now understand the whole Ladder thoery thing, and i worked out that I actually am a Interllectual Whore, LOL. weird.
  6. sonador_hermosa

    sonador_hermosa Member

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    yeah, i thought friendship was based on liking someone and enjoying their company...a mature person is able to make friends with the opposite sex. i have a lot of male friends and i am fiance' has a lot of female friends, as well. there's nothing abnormal about that.
  7. FallenFairy

    FallenFairy Senior Member

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    I guess than I am an intelectual whore.
  8. Jimmie

    Jimmie Member

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    nonono FallenFairy your all that,s nice :p and sexy ,i know i have your poto;)
    peace and LOL.Grrrrrrr:D

  9. MeatWagon499

    MeatWagon499 Senior Member

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    today was so great i finally found this girl named natalie we have so much in common. All that searching finally might pay off :)

    and about my other post i was just in one of those "moods" but I'm usually not in a bad mood. Just felt like life was hopeless and I was gunna die poor and lonely but thats teenage hormones for you lol.
  10. whispers

    whispers sweet and sour

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    well there is always tomorrow
  11. 8footsativa_chik

    8footsativa_chik Waka Chang-Chang

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    Yer basically like that, and on the site, they do state that If a man finds a woman attractive, they can't really be friends! this is so true in so many ways, I mean, guys eventually hit on you, either when your both drunk, whatever, you can either Fuck him (which is what he wants) and afterwards have that awkward(sp) silence that almost always comes after (the 'Abyss') or reject him and say the two of you are 'only friends' and thus, eventually stop talking to him which is like kicking his ass into the 'abyss', so to speak. So your losing a 'friend' either way, It really makes sense. (to me anyway)
  12. velvet

    velvet Banned

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    hhhm... not too sure about that. I have a lot of male friend and not all of them are ugly :) In fact, some of them are downright gorgous.. it's just that I'm in love with my boyfriend and just don't shag anyone that I find attractive. It's a bit weird to only surround yourself with males/females that you wouldn't wanna have sex with (purely physical).. I love them, think they are beautiful and interesting.. but my boyfriend stands out amongst them so I don't take action. As soon as I would become seriously interested in one of them I know I would have to take a long hard look at my relationship, 'cause obviously something would be lacking there.

    On the other side I'm quite confident to say that my male friends don't think of me as ugly. But finding someone sweet and ok to shag doesn't mean that they will try to seduce me, since they respect me and my relationship. The occasional hint or joke is fine with me, since flirting is nothing but a major ego-boost.

    All in my humble opinion ofcourse ;)
  13. 8footsativa_chik

    8footsativa_chik Waka Chang-Chang

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    Have you ever stopped to think that maybe they do find you attractive, but you, at the moment arent at the top of their list, not meaning that in an offensive way or anything, but maybe your guy mates have other girls in mind ya know, and like the dude who created that site said, "Women have two ladders" The 'Friends' Ladder, and The 'I would definately fuck you' Ladder. Maybe you've put most of them on your 'friends' ladder without even realising it. And you can also be 'Interllectually Pimped' aswell, (the male description of being an interllectual whore) wher the guy will come to you for advice and to talk and maybe even cuddle, but is definately fucking someone else. It really makes you think about who your friends really are huh?

    Of course not everyone is like this. Just a majority of the population apparently.
  14. velvet

    velvet Banned

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    I still think the 'whore/pimp' thing is what friends are about.. I'd like to have something in common with my friends and care for them.. no matter their looks. Some of them are just very attractive so they are ALSO (not solely) on my 'I would definately fuck you' ladder.
  15. wonkothesane

    wonkothesane Member

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    Women can be like this with guys too...

    I always seem to find the girls who want you there for emotional support and as someone to talk to (because I am "such a *nice* guy") but then they prefer to fuck the other guy who is an ass and treats them like shit...then they come running back to you to cry on your shoulder...or need help because he got her knocked-up, but *you* are the first person they run too and the "only one" they "can trust"...

    And when you have a problem with that after a while, they look down on you because you "can't appreciate their souls"...

    Yes, those types are definately *some* kind of "whore".

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