Intel-Nvidia Weirdness

Discussion in 'Computers and The Internet' started by wooleeheron, May 29, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Intel’s Potential Role in Building Nvidia’s Next Chip: Speculation and Analysis (

    The article doesn't say it explicitly, but these two would never give each other the time of day, unless the Pentagon forced them to kiss and make-up. Its WWIII in the marketplace, with the Chinese dumping cars and electronics on the market, while scooping up rare earths, and preparing to stomp the entire world economy into the toilet, unless they get their way. The sad truth is, the Chinese economy is so damned huge, they are yanking everyone else around like a dog on a chain.

    Of course, you can blame the banks, who went into China and spent years convincing their government to let them do whatever they want, until their government decided they could do whatever they want with the banks, because they had the banks by the balls. The embarrassing truth is, Americans sold their democracy to the highest bidder long ago, and the damn Commies just bought them out.

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