Intel Core i9-12900K Smashes Multiple World Records at 6.8 GHz Liquid nitrogen has no smell, and can suffocate people when spilled in large quantities. Most of what they used on this chip just ended up suffocating a few mice on the floor. Of course, no one will ever use liquid nitrogen to overclock their computer for gaming, but 6.8Ghz stomps all the previous records, and means the chips can run all that much more efficiently in laptops. Historically, Intel specializes in faster and more efficient cores, but this one is off the charts, and you know damned well it won't be cheap. What should be cheaper, is AMD's new 3D V Nand, which boosts single core performance about 15%, and could easily make it a much better bang-for-your-buck, due to AMD and Nvidia working very hard to eliminate the cpu as the bottleneck in gaming. The newer graphics cards are so powerful, they can often run well using an old i3, and it could very well be the difference is all but unnoticeable.